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Feel like I'm drowning- Two Feet


I shoot awake with sweat dripping down my back and forehead. I've been getting nightmares recently and they are really affecting my sleep.

I glance at the clock next to me and see it saying 3:23am. Great now I'm awake and not one bit tired, but I do know what I am. Hungry.

I quietly sneak downstairs into the kitchen trying not to wake anyone especially that asshole. You know who I'm talking about.

I slowly make my way into the kitchen and open the fridge to see what's in there.

Why the fuck is there so many eggs? Do only men live in this house.

I scan the fridge annoyed and just grab some strawberries. I open the pack and wash them under the tap making sure no icky bugs stay on them.

As I wash the strawberries I hear a quiet shuffle of feet. I dart my head to where the noise is coming from and try to keep as still and quiet as possible. The lights are still off so hopefully whoever is there doesn't sense me.

"Hello is someone there?" A quiet male voice says in the dark, but I still keep quiet. The mysterious male flicks on the lights.

It's Adam Wilson the man I bumped into when I ran out of Mr Rossi's office. He slowly makes his way over to me.

"Fancy seeing you here Julie." he smirks at me.

"Same to you to Adam." I pull my fakest smile.

"What are you doing up? I didn't think Mr Rossi allowed anyone to be out this late." he questions me as he takes a few steps closer.

"I-Uh was hungry." I tell him feeling uncomfortable with the short amount of distance between us.
He takes a few more steps closer.

"Tell me about yourself Julie." he asks.

"Uh why?" I question

"I want to know more about you, and I want to tell you about me." he grins while staring into my soul.

"Oh you go first then." I say to him confused and wanting to get out of this conversation.

"Well as you know my name is Adam, I am 32 years old, I am about 6'2-" He says but I scoff cutting him off. No way that man is above 6 foot cause Mr Rossi is 6'2 and Is much taller than him.

"Is something funny little lady." he tilts his head looking a little annoyed.

"Uh no nothing sorry, I think I'm gonna go." I say to him trying to swerve around, but he grabs my arm.

"W-what are you doing, let go." I start to squirm as I feel his clammy hands tighten around my bicep.

"Julie I promise if you come with me I can show you a good time." he grins at me pulling me into his chest.

"No get off me!" I start to panic, scared this man is going to do something to me.

"Oh come on I'm not that bad, I will treat you so good Julie and you can forget all about that bastard Mr Rossi." he says to me starting to get annoyed, but still holding his smirk

"No get your dirty hands off me you pervert!" I yell again starting to thrash in his hold but he just grabs onto more of my body.

Then I hear a gun click.

"Get. Your. Filthy hands off my fiancé." Mr Rossi says with the most angry look on his face holding a gun up pointed at Adams head.

Adam let's go and puts his hands up.

"Sir I swear I wasn't going to do anything with her." he says as he starts to take a few steps back.

Mr Rossi lifts his other arm out gesturing me to come to him and I do without even thinking twice. I bury my head into his chest and he keeps one arm wrapped around me.

"Now Mr Wilson, I am only gonna say this once, if I ever even see you glance at my fiancé again I will not hesitate to put this bullet through your head, got it?" Mr Rossi says filled with rage.

"Y-yes sir." Adam says to him shaking.

"Good, now I want to see you in room 203 In exactly 10 minutes and if I don't, I will hunt and kill all of your family without hesitation." Mr Rossi says to him, but all Adam could do was nod and walk off to where ever he was ment to go. Then Mr Rossi turns to me.

"Shit are you okay Julie? I am so sorry, did he touch or hurt you at all?" Mr Rossi says to me with genuine concern, with both of his arms wrapped around my neck and my face pressed into his chest.

"N-no not really all he did was grab me." I say to him quietly not feeling as strong and confident as I normally do.

"Julie I can promise you I won't let him ever be near you again okay? I can't kill him for other reasons but I can assure you, he won't ever hurt you again." he says to me unwrapping himself from me and looking into my teary eyes.

All I can do is nod shocked because of what just happened between Adam and also because of our nice he is being to me.

But it's gone in a flash when Mr Rossi also realises how nice he is being to me.

"You should probably get to bed it's pretty late." he says to me while all the worry washes off his face. Then he turns to walk away, but I stop him grabbing his wrist.

"Thank you." I say to him quietly, but all I receive is a nod back, then he leaves.

Once I'm sure Mr Rossi is out of sight I sprint back up to my room and lock the door shut. I once again sink to my knees and drop my head in between my legs. If it weren't for Mr Rossi I don't know what type of trouble I would be in right now.


Wowee what a chapter. Who else knew something sketchy was up with that Adam guy, well sad to say it's not the last time we'll be seeing him, but that's for another chapter.
Anaya hope you enjoyed bye sweets 💕

Word count: 1071

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