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Wide awake- Katy Perry


It's about 10pm and I'm sitting in my bed reading and waiting for Levi to finish his work. Every few minutes my eyes droop and my head starts to fall but I'm determined to kiss him goodnight.

The words on my books start to jumble and go blurry so I set it down and sit up to try and keep myself awake. I rub my eyes and groan, this man works to hard.

I run a hand through my hair and tug on some strands of wake me up a bit until I hear the door creek open.

"Julie baby why are you still awake?" He asks me coming over and bending down to cup my cheeks.

"I was waiting for you." I huskily say while staring into his deep green eyes. A small smile spreads across his face.

"You don't need to stay awake for me, sometimes I finish work at around 1am, I don't want you awake at that time." He says to me with concern laced in his voice.

I giggle "okay dad" I say but I don't think he even acknowledges my joke instead he leans in and gently kisses me. I flutter my eyes closed as he softly strokes his thumb against my cheek while he kisses me.

He parts "I need to shower and change but as soon as I do I'll come right back and hold you while you sleep." He smiles and I nod. He rises back up to his height and leaves my room to shower and change in his.

I creep under the covers and flick off the dark lamp, I still try to stay awake to feel him hold me close but sleep wins.


I wake up feeling a warm hard chest underneath me and I immediately smile at who it is. I have my head on Levi's chest and my leg over his torso as he holds my thigh against him. This position has become to feel so natural and we always wake up in it with either me on top of him or him on top of me.

I lift my head and kiss his chest then look up at him. He's taking slow breathes with his perfect plump lips parted. I stare at his long dark lashes almost jealous but I can't help but admire his perfect symmetrical face. Then I see a small grin start to form on his lips.

"Done staring at me love or can I sleep in peace?" He asks me with only one of his eyes peering down at me.

"Never" I say back without taking my eyes off him. He grins and opens both of his green eyes to look at me.

"Can't say I don't do it as often." He smiles and stares back at me.

"So what are we doing today" I say while trying to lift myself off of him but he tugs me back down.

"Having you lay on top of me a little longer and then our day will start." He says to me fluttering his eyes closed again and gripping my thigh harder.

"But I'm excited to spend the day with you." I try to move again but this time he pulls my whole body on top of his so I'm straddling him.

"Few more minutes" he groans. I roll my eyes and lay my head back down on his chest, and flutter my eyes closed too and all I can hear is the sound of Levi's heart beating.

We lay there for more than a few minutes until I spring up and refuse to lay back down and eventually he obliges too.

We take a quick shower together and then get dressed to go out somewhere.

As I'm about to leave I wave goodbye to Maria who looks oddly annoyed.

"Bye Maria have a good day!" I yell and we've to her and she quickly snaps out of her annoyance and into a big smile.

"Bye you love birds! Where are you going?" Maria asks.

"I'm not sure Levi said it's a surprise." I say as I look up to meet his eyes and we both smile.

"Well text me the details later darling!" She tells me as I leave the door. I pull a confused face thinking she was acting a bit weird but I brush it off, I'm just happy to be with Levi.

We hop into Levi's black Tesla and start to drive to our secret location with his big warm hand on my thigh.

"So can I get any hints on where we are going?" I ask him trying to crack any bit of information.

"Mmmm no." He says while drawing small circles with his thumb on my thigh. I roll my eyes and look out the window excited to see where we arrive.

As I'm staring out the window I feel Levi's hand squeeze my thigh suddenly. I look at him concerned and his eyes are wide darting from the rear view mirror and the road in front of him.

"What's wrong?" I ask him getting worried.

"It's okay baby but I think we are being followed." He says while glancing at me and flicking his eyes all over the place.

"Followed? What do we do?" I ask him slowly starting to panic.

"I'm going to try and lose them, just relax baby I promise we'll be okay." He tells me stepping on the gas peddle to make us go faster. I sink back into the seat of the car and grip the side door handle.

My breathing starts to get faster and I squeeze my eyes shut. But I snap them open at the sound of Levi's frantic voice.

"Fuck!" Levi yells.

Suddenly the the car is being flipped and I'm being flung around while we roll off the side of the road. Then the car stops and we are being held upside down, my eyes are going blurry and I fight to keep them open but I fail. The last thing I hear is Levi yelling and my car door being opened.


Started off cute and then turned crazy. What do you guys think happened and what is going to happen?
Better read the next chapter, promise you won't regret it. Maybe.
Anyway by loves 😘

Word count: 1057

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