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Pray- JRY, RuthAnne


All I could feel was the rage and anger bubbling inside of me when I walked in to see that filthy man touching what was mine. In that moment I wanted to put a bullet straight through his head but I couldn't for Julie's sake and that his family is a lot more powerful than I would like him to be. So instead of inflicting death, I will inflict slow and painful injuries.

As soon as I leave the kitchen with Julie still standing there I go straight to room 203, which is the torture room.

I make my way past all the guards and finally find room 203. I slowly creak open the door and I see Mr Wilson already strapped to the chair ready for me.

"Nice to see you again Mr Wilson." I greet him while running my fingers along the array or weapons on a table.

"Please don't do this Mr Rossi, I swear I wasn't going to do anything to her!" He yells at me struggling in his chair.

I chuckle "Mr Wilson lying isn't going to get you anywhere, now tell me what you actually wanted to do with her." I say to him picking up one of the knives.

"No! Please don't!" Mr Wilson yells while I make my way over to him.

"Tell me what you where going to do with her!" I yell back slamming the knife into his right thigh.

He lets out a blood curdling scream and he starts to cry. Weak man. I slowly lift the knife out and prepare to slam it into the other thigh but he decides to pipe up.

"Okay! Okay! A-all I wanted to do was fuck her and maybe takes a few pictu- but that's it I swear!" He screams.

I know I wanted to hear what he was going to do to her but all it did was make me angrier. So I slam the knife into his other thigh.

He screams again and I see the blood dripping down his legs.

"Okay, what's going to happen is you are never going to even look in my future wife's direction and if I catch you doing it I will not refrain from killing you, got it? Also I expect I will not be hearing from your family, also correct?" I say to him grazing the knife up to his neck.

All he does is nod and let out a shaky breath, and just for good measures I slam the knife into his hand. Yet again he screams and I roll my eyes at the mess of the man.

"Get him cleaned up" I flick my hand to the guards and walk out of the room still in utter rage but I have to reframe myself from harming him anymore. Besides it's not like a care about that girl anyway.

I haven't finished all of my paper work but I didn't expect to have to deal with this tonight, so I may as well head to bed.

I stride into my large bedroom and start to unbutton my shirt to hop into the shower and wash all this blood off my hands.

Until I hear a faint knock.

I walk over to the door slightly irritated, without bothering buttoning up my shirt again. I swing open the door and I am met with a familiar brunette.

"Uh hi Mr Rossi, I just wanted to say thank you for what you did for me." she says to me while looking at her feet.

"Well it's my job to protect my future wife so you should expect nothing less." I say to her, as she slowly lifts her head double glancing at my abs and chest.

"Right, yes well thanks anyway." she says to me bringing a light smile to her lips, as she turns to walk away, but I softly grab her wrist.

"No matter how much I hate you, I will always protect you, never forget that." I say to her almost whispering, starting to draw small circles with my thumb in on her wrist.

All she does is stare into my eyes flicking back and forth between them and shyly nods. I let go of her wrist and I let her walk to her room this time.

I take a step back into my room and continue getting undressed and flicking on the warm water to the shower. I step in and let the warm water run down my broad back and let the stinging feeling stay. I place my hands against the shower walls and lean into it. The wave of tiredness hits me all at once, the adrenaline I felt before had completely vanished and has left me with the aching feeling of wanting to sleep.

So I shut off the water and step out the shower greeted with the steamy filled room. I wipe at the mirror in front of me and I stare into the reflection. I turn and look at my back and stare at my scares in disgust. With each and every scar is a terrible memory of the training my father would put my through, every cut reminded me of the hatred my mother felt for me and the pure disappointment my father had and still has for me. I blink back a tear starting to well in my eye.

Real men don't cry.

My father said to me after the 7th cut in a row he gave to me when I was only 12. I know I should despise my father and want nothing more than to kill him but all I want is for him to be proud of me, so everyday I try my hardest to eventually get his approval, by working none stop and doing what's best for the company, not me. Just how marrying Julie is the best for the company so I must do it.

I finally gather my thoughts and slip out the bathroom, I grab some boxers and a loose pair of grey sweatpants. I slip into bed with an excruciating head ache just like every night from the stress. I ignore the pain and slowly drift off the sleep.


Hey guys hoped you liked the more deeper side of the story to Levi, I wanted to add more character depth and so later on we can have character building.
Just a reminder Julie still doesn't know Levi's first name so I wonder when she'll find out.
Anyway by Lovies ❤️

Word count: 1120

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