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I know the end- Phoebe Bridgers


I am fuming. After all of this, it was my father's fault. He threatened my future wife and thought it would all be okay. Well he's wrong.

I have arranged a meeting for us today in my warehouse, and I know shits gonna go down.

After my talk with Julie I felt so much rage and protection I thought I would snap and go right down to my father's place and snap his neck. I didn't though and instead arranged this meeting which should've started 20 minutes ago. He's left me waiting for 20 minutes doing God knows what wasting my time.

I stay resting in my chair waiting for my father to show up.

After another few minutes I hear is footsteps echo down the hall.

I hear a knock and I reply saying come in and my father enters.

"Son," he nods his head but I don't reply.

"Sit down." I say sternly already annoyed.

He sits at the other end and crosses his arms and legs.

"So, what is it, why do you need this urgent meeting." He asks looking unimpressed.

"I think you already know why." I say in a calm but firm voice.

He cocks his brow and speaks "ah I'm guessing the girl told you."

"Don't refer to my fiancé as the girl or this is about to get a lot worse." I say to him sternly but with a straight face.

He laughs but is cut off with me speaking.

"Why did you threaten her?" I ask him tilting my head.

"Well, she was distracting you from your work, I couldn't have that." He says to me while leaning back into his chair.

"So you threatened her?! I haven't been able to speak with her for almost a whole month!" I yell.

"And I would like to keep it that way." He says and a small smirk covers his face.

"No. Not happening." He say to him shaking my head.

"Well if you refuse to do as I say, I guess I have to take matters into my own hands, like I always do." He rolls his eyes in annoyance.

"You may not speak with her or get any closer to her or I will a. Revoke you from my business and b. Break off the wedding and pay a visit to Julie and her father, am I clear?" He says to me getting angry.

"What happens if you do break off the wedding? No more alliance I assume." I raise my eyebrows.

He chuckles "Son you know marriage isn't the only way to an alliance, as you heard me I said I would pay a visit to Julie and her father, yes?" He takes a long breath before he continues.

"I could always inflict pain to get my way, works like a charm." He grins showing some of his teeth.

"You wouldn't." I scowl.

"Oh but I would." He tilts his head again and smirks.

"I'm going to show myself out now, remember what I said son." He gets up and leaves.

I take a long exhale not knowing I was holding my breath.

Shit, I am truly stuck. I don't know how I'm going to be able to face Julie, knowing I'm the one who can't talk to her anymore. But I'm going to explain what happened and hope she understands.

My heart hurts knowing that Julie and I won't be able to speak anymore but what can I do, my idiotic father threatened her life and her fathers.

I leave my warehouse and drive over to my mansion where my Julie is staying.

Once I arrive I slowly get out of my car and my head falls down as I walk. I put my hand in my pocket and open the door with the other one. Once I make my way inside I go to the living room to see Julie sitting on the couch watching vampire diaries. I small smile forms my lips seeing her watch the show intently, she's so beautiful without even trying.

She feels my presence and turns her head towards me.

"So how'd it go?" She asks worried and curious.

"Not good." I say deep and sad.

"What happened?" She asks me pausing her show to face her full body to me. I walk over the the couch and plop myself down next to her.

"He threatened me, love. He said that he would call off the wedding and hurt you and your father." He say without meeting her eyes.

"Call off the wedding? Doesn't he need the alliance?" She asks.

"That's why he said he would hurt you and your father, to get a different way to make an alliance." I say finally meeting her ocean blue eyes and my heart skips a beat.

She pauses and parts her lips letting out a soft breath.

"He also said he would revoke me from the business." I softly say.

We stay silent for a few seconds and then she speaks.

"Then we mustn't speak or get closer." She softly whispers looking upset and looking down.

I tilt her head up and look her in the eyes and I can see them filling with salty tears. I cup her cheeks and speak.

"I know love. As much as I don't want to, we have no choice." I whisper.

She nods in the palm of my hands and I kiss her forehead.

"So this is it?" She asks with a single tear falling down her face. I don't reply to her question.

"Goodnight baby." I say and kiss her cheek this time.

I finally manage to free my hands of her face and get off of the couch. I bow my head and stride to my room not being able to face her.

This is for the best I keep reminding myself, but it never feels that way.


Aww I'm so sorry to poison you with this sadness. I promise it will get better just please hold on 🙏
I hate Lorenzo for threatening my babies.
Anyway by my loves ❤️

Word count: 1021

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