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Stargirl- The Weeknd, Lana del ray


Levi and I are getting married in less than a month now and my nerves don't seem to be going away, but after that talk I had with Levi I see him a bit differently now. I can see that he does have feelings and has just went through a lot. And I think he's a lot stronger than what his father believes, or what anyone believes.

I shower and put on some clothes to go get some breakfast. I walk downstairs and see Levi and Luca sitting at the table.

"Hey Levi, and Luca you're still here?" I ask Luca.

"Yeah I'm leaving tomorrow, gonna miss me sugar." He grins.

I chuckle "Not one bit." I say sarcastically.

Then I hear something slam on the table and Luca and I both look in Levi's direction.

"What did I say about nicknames Luca?" He growls out glaring at Luca.

"What? I've called her sugar for 3 weeks no big deal." He smirks side glancing me.

Levi rolls his eyes and turns to me.

"Sleep well?" He awkwardly acts trying to start conversation.
I'm confused at the sudden interest but reply anyway.

"Yeah pretty good, you?" I ask back.

"Good." He says
"Good." I say

After our many goods it turns to awkward silence so I sit at the table and pile my plate. Eventually we all start talking and the awkwardness disappears.


After breakfast I head straight to my office to finish off some paper work. I sit at my desk and search through some papers until I discover one that catches my eye.

It's Julie and I's marriage contract. Seeing the contract it makes me think of Julie. We are meant to be getting married in less than a month but, I want more time.

I want more time to get to know Julie. I never though I would be saying this but I'm going to push back the wedding.

My father might be incredibly angry and disappointed in me but what's new. I've decided to push it back to November instead of it being in July which gives us an extra 5 months. Now I just have to tell everyone.

I immediately contact the wedding planners and guests which have already been invited, which includes my father. Now I need to tell Julie. I don't know if she's going to be angry with me or happy but I have to tell her.

I make my way to her room and give it a light knock. I hear a faint come in and I creak open the door.

"Hi Levi" she says while she brushes her hair.

"Hi Julie, I have some news to tell you." I say to her nervous for her reaction. She puts down the brush and turns to me.

"I have decided to push back the wedding to November." I say to her quickly.

Her expression turns into confusion. Then she asks me why.

"Why?" She asks, but I don't want to tell her the real reason so I lie.

"Financial problems." I say trying to sound convincing.

She scoffs "financial problems? Really?" She asks surprised.

"Uh yeah we lost a shit ton of money in a really bad deal." I tell her lying again. There's no way in hell I have financial problems but it was the first thing that came to mind.

"Oh okay, so it's in November now?" She asks me and I nod.

"Okay that's fine, guess we just have to wait a bit before we can finally be husband and wife." She giggles and a small smile spreads across my face at her little laughter. I don't think I could ever get tired of hearing it.

"I'll be going now, just had to tell you about the recent plans." I tell her as I turn to leave and she nods.

I close her door and sigh in relief. That went better than expected, now I have to wait to see what my father says.


A few hours later I receive a call from the one and only Lorenzo Rossi also known as my father.

I nervously pick up the call and hold the phone up to my ear.

"Please tell me you are not serious!" I hear my father yelling over the phone.

"As serious as I'll ever be." I say back.

"What is the reason for this son, I need a real good one!" He yells again and I don't know what to say.

"I just need more time." I tell him quietly.

"More time to do what!?" He asks me confused and angry.

"You won't understand, I just need more time. With her." I tell him anxious to hear his reply.

"With the girl? Why could you possibly want to spend more time with her?" He asks me sternly.

"Dad please-" I start to say but he cuts me off.

"It's father to you!" He yells and I let out a shaky breath.

"You know what fine. If you aren't going to listen to me I'm not going to talk to you." I say to him as I hang up the phone and flop back into my chair.

I'm fucked.


Levi wants more time? With Julie? Wow. I hope you enjoyed the kinda boring chapter, but I'm starting to run out of ideas for the future, but dw I'll figure it out.
Anyway bye lovies 😉

Word count: 902

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