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We can't be friends- Ariana Grande


I stay in my room most of the day trying to avoid Levi knowing it will be painful to see him without being able to tell him the truth. I know that if I told him what Mr Rossi said I know he would tell his father and then his father will fall through with the plans of cutting him off and I can't do that to him.

I manage to stay in my room until the wave of hunger overcame me and I had to go down for dinner or I would die of starvation.

I make my way downstairs and I am met with some bored looking green eyes. He barely even glances at me, and I can tell he's angry and upset.

I sit down at the other end and quietly eat my food, and Levi does the same. Until the silence is too much to bare and he speaks.

"Julie can you please tell me what's wrong!" He slams his fist down out of anger and confusion.

I try to stay calm but my anger slowly starts bubbling to the surface after his outburst.

"You don't understand I can't!" I jump from my seat and also slam my fist down on the table.

Levi looks at me in shock as I breath rapidly. My chin starts to quiver and I sprint out of the room needing to avoid any more contact of him.

I slam the door again and whisper through it.

"I'm sorry."


Julie sprints out the room leaving me in shock at her outburst. What does she mean she can't? She can tell me anything.

I push the table and all the cutlery rattles as I stand up. Fine if she doesn't want to talk to me I guess we won't talk. I storm out of the dining room and also slam my office door shut.

I need to let off some steam. There's only two ways I do that. Fucking or Fighting.

Fighting it is.

I go to my room and change into some workout clothes. I exercise most days but I only box when I'm angry.

I call Luca to get his ass here so I can beat his ass.

Luca finally arrives in his workout clothes too.

"Hey man, you little sad?" He says while pouting sarcastically.

"Shut the fuck up." I tell him as I put in my gloves. He does the same and we enter the ring.

"So you wanna tell me what happened?" Luca asks while throwing a few jabs.

"Not really I just wanna beat your ass." I tell him swinging a right hook into his face.

"Got it." He replies and we continue fighting.

After about an hour of constant boxing we finally wrap it up.

"Damn you got me pretty good, you must be extra angry." Luca states as he wipes some of the blood off his temple. I grunt in response still not feeling better.

"Is it Julie?" He slams his hand down on my shoulder and gives it a squeeze.

"Maybe." I tell him leaning my elbows on my knees.

Deciding that I don't want to talk about her right now I get up and leave Luca sitting on the bench.

"Mood swings." Luca says under his breath rolling his eyes.

"I heard that!" I shout over my shoulder.

"Good!" He shouts back.
He tries to say more but I leave before I can listen to exactly what he said. I run up to my room and strip my clothes. I turn on the shower and let the warm water drench me.

My mind goes back to Julie and what she said. Why can't she tell me?

The more I think about it the angrier I get so I shut the water off and dry myself. I put on a my regular clothes and go to my office.

Then I let work control the rest of my thoughts.


Hey guys sorry about the short chapter my mind doesn't really know what else to write except boring showers and sliding into bed type stuff. So I hope you still enjoyed this chapter. Also I have a small time jump next chapter.
Anyway bye lovies 😘

Word count:708

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