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Reminder- The Weeknd


I wake up with my eyes puffy from crying, I'm so angry and confused. I don't want to marry Mr Rossi but I have too to protect my father. So I will marry him, but I won't make it easy.

A knock at the door pulls me from my thoughts and I roll my eyes shouting come in.
I was expecting the old hag to walk in but instead I see Mr Rossi.

"Join me for breakfast" he says to me not like a question but more of a demand.

"Will any of your pervert men be there?" I snap back with annoyance.

"No, I won't let them eat or be around you anymore." he says to me with a straight stern face, as he turns to leave.

"I expect to see you dressed and downstairs in 10 minutes." he tells me while closing my door.

I roll my eyes and get out of bed, and go to my wardrobe which actually have clothes in it. I shower, brush my teeth and get changed.

I stroll downstairs to see just Mr Rossi sitting at the table patiently waiting for me. I sit down at the other end and start piling my plate with food. All he does is stare at me with a hint of disgust.

"Why don't you take a picture it'll last longer" I snap at him.

"Why would I need a picture when I'll be seeing you everyday for the rest of our lives?" He snaps back tilting his head.

I roll my eyes. "Crazy how I'm going to marry you and I don't even know your first name." I say to him.

"You get to know my first name when I decide to tell you, now eat" he sternly says to me losing his patience.

I sink back into my chair and stab my fruit over and over again. Until Mr Rossi gets sick of it and just leaves.

Julie 1 Mr Rossi 0

I jump up from my chair, about to head back to my room until an idea pops into my head.

Imma explore.

I decide to take one of the many stairs and head into some random direction. My eyes scan the whole place trying to memorise all the details. Until I hear a faint sound of laughter, coming from which looks like and office.

I slowly push open the door to take a peek inside. It's Mr Rossi and a tall brunette man, and the man looks like to be laughing with Mr Rossi. As I try to take a closer look the sound of the door creaks, and both of there eyes flick to me.

"Ooo is this the new wife Mr Rossi?" the tall brunette man asks Mr Rossi while staring at me.

"And who are you, his boyfriend?" I snap back crossing my arms.

The man chuckles "wow the sass is more sexy than it should be, the names Luca by the way, I'm Mr Rossi's best friend" he says to me holding out his hand.

I shake it trying not to make any more enemies.

"So you call your best friend by his last name?" I question.

"Well not exactly but he specifically told me to call him that when I'm around you." he smirks at me.

I send him a confused look and turn my head to look at Mr Rossi. He looks more handsome than usual with a white button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and the first three buttons undone showcasing his chain. I slide my sight down his veiny arm to his hand with a few rings. My eyes linger on his figure longer than it should until he meets my gaze and we lock eyes.

"What are you doing here Julie?" he coldly says to me.

"Exploring?" I say to him questioning if i'll get in trouble for it.

"Well get out I don't want you here." he says to me flicking his eyes to the door.

"And you think I want to be here? You've trapped me here and beat up my dad to force him into letting you marry me!? You evil disgusting prick!" I yell letting all of my emotions loose.

"Get. The. Fuck. Out." He says to me taking small steps towards me.

"You don't scare me." I narrow my eyes and don't break eye contact.

"You should be scared, I could shoot you right now if I wanted to." he tells me trying to scare me.

"Do it, it'll be better than marrying you" I say to him now inches apart.

"Woah, Woah easy there guys, I'm sensing a lot of tension" Luca cuts in.

I don't acknowledge him instead I spin on my heel and leave Mr Rossi's office.

I fucking hate him, I was willing to be nice but now that's all gone.


Hey guys hope you liked the chapter! I am literally walking home from school rn and I just couldn't stop myself from writing more.
Anyway by lovies 😉

word count: 843

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