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Bathroom- Montell Fish


Adam left me in that room for what felt like hours. I slowly start to realise that Mr Rossi isn't coming for me. He'll get a new wife and forget all about me. Let me rot in this place because he doesn't give a fuck about me.

I start to feel the tears prick in my eyes from not only my physical pain. I'm going to die here or be seriously hurt, worse than this.

I tilt my head back against the chair trying to hold in the tears but they can't stop flowing down my cheeks. The warm salty liquid falls down my face and starts to puddle at my chin. I let out small sobs still trying to contain myself. Suddenly I hear gunshots ringing outside the door.

I raise my head so fast and use all of my strength to scream in hopes it's someone coming to rescue me. I let out a loud scream and shout help along with it. Then I hear banging coming from my door. It's repeated thuds against it like someone's trying to get in. Finally the door bursts open. It's Mr Rossi.

"Shit, Julie are you okay?" He says to me striding towards me and cupping my face. All I do is let some more tears fall out of my eyes as I stare into his. He flicks his eyes back and forth between mine in genuine worry and concern.

"I am so sorry Julie I'm going to get you out of here and I won't let that fucker leave alive." he says to me untying all of the ropes wrapped around me. When he roughly unties the knots and gently lifts me up by my waist and lifts me into holding me bridal style.

"It's going to be okay Julie, I promise." he softly says to me bringing me closer to his chest.

"I-I thought you weren't coming. I thought you were going to leave me here forever." I say to him choking on the words.

"Julie I promised you and your father I would protect you to the day I die even if that means I die in the process." He says to me meeting my teary filled eyes.

I slowly nod and feel my eyes fluttering shut. I'm so exhausted I can barley keep them open.

"Stay awake for me baby." Mr Rossi says to me gently shaking me. I open my eyes again.

"Just keep your eyes on me okay?" He tells me. And I nod again and never take my eyes off his beautiful profile. I can't help but look into every detail of his face. His dirty blonde hair hovering above his forehead, his deep green eyes and the small scar he has above his left eyebrow. He's so beautiful. I've looked at Mr Rossi before but never this intently all of his features add up into a beautiful sculpted face. As I'm mesmerising Mr Rossi's face we are suddenly jolted forward with the sound of a gun shot and Mr Rossi groans.

He holds onto me tighter refusing to let go or slow down from where he's trying to go even though I can see a trail of blood being left behind us.

"Come back here Mr Rossi! I am not done with you!" I hear Adam scream and Mr Rossi ignored him running in a zig zag still holding onto me.

"Almost there." he whispers to me trying to keep me awake.

We finally make it out of the building and he brings me to his black Tesla. He places me down in the passenger side and buckles me in as quick as he can. He hops into the driver side and speeds off.

"You're bleeding..." I say to him feeling weak cause of all the blood lose.

"You are also bleeding and have already lost a lot of blood, I am fine." he sternly says to me. I guess the sweet and caring Mr Rossi is already gone.

I lay my head back against the car seat and slowly close me eyes again.

"Hey what did I say, don't fall asleep." Mr Rossi says to me annoyed. I still manage to roll my eyes not matter how much pain I'm in. We stay silent for a few moments until he speaks.

"I wanted to kill him right then and there but I was too focused on you and then I got shot, but I will go back and hunt him down and kill him for ever touching you, so you don't have to worry about him any more." He tells me facing the road.

"Thank you." I mutter and rest my head against the window. We stay silent for the rest of the car ride.

We finally arrive back at his mansion and after that fast car ride I don't feel as tried anymore and more in incredible pain. Mr Rossi comes around to my door and opens it, he lifts me out gently and brings me into a bridal style. I groan at the movement my thighs aching from the cuts.

"You okay baby?" He asks me quietly, holding onto me gently trying not to hurt me. I nod and try to contain my groans.

Mr Rossi brings me into his bathroom and grabs a medical kit. He places me on top of his sink counter and places himself in between my legs, his pelvis perfectly aligning with mine. He brings out some cotton pads and disinfectant and starts to wipe my cuts. I suck in a sharp breath at the stinging pain on my thigh. Once he cleans up my thigh he stitches it up too, then cares for my other wounds.

He brings the cotton pad to my cheek and gently wiped the blood away. I completely forget about the pain I'm in as I stare at Mr Rossi not being able to pull my eyes away. How can he be so kind a gentle with me now but be a complete asshole a minute later.

Once he finishes wiping the blood he places a Bandage and starts to pack away the medical kit. I stop him.

"Wait your bleeding too" I tell him grabbing onto his arm.

"Im fine it's just a skim" he shrugs it off like he wants nearly shot.

"Your still bleeding, let me help you, you helped me" I ask him holding onto his arm tighter. He nods and hands me the kit, stepping between my legs again.

"Take off your shirt" I tell him.

"If you insist" he smirks, and I roll my eyes.

He does so and my eyes drop to his rock hard chest and abs. I am almost tempted to go out and feel them but I refrain. I lightly skim my fingers over the wound and I feel him shiver under me touch.

I grab the same disinfectant and bring it to his side. I press it to the wound and he stiffens and grabs my other none wounded thigh. As I continue wiping the blood he squeezes my thigh sending shock waves to my core.

Then I start stitching his wounds. As I do so I can feel his burning gaze on me but I choose to ignore it. Before I'm nearly finished I feel his hand graze and cup me cheek. He lifts me head up to look at him and we stare into each others eyes for what feels like ages. My breathing quickens and it starts to become shaky. Every now and then he flicks his eyes to my mouth and I do so too.
Then he breaks the silence.

"Thank you." he lets out a shaky quiet breath.

"Thank you." I tell him.

He doesn't say anything back and I start to feel him lean closer to me. His lips brush against mine and I shiver. I can feel his bulge press into my thigh and it arouses me. Suddenly I realise I barley know anything about this man. I don't even know his name.

"What's your name?" I breath barley above a whisper wanting to desperately know.

He stills and I feel all his warmth slip away. He lest go of me face and steps back looking confused and flustered.

"I-Im sorry I shouldn't have done that" he tells me as he leaves the room leaving me confused and full of lust.


Aha sorry for the long chapter, I've been feeling super unmotivated but somehow I wrote a lot. Anyway hope you liked that almost kiss.
Bye babes 💕

Word count: 1434

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