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Love game (sped up)- Lady Gaga


After my scolding from Mr Rossi I was sent to my room like I was some child. I can't believe I'm gonna be marrying this man in less than two months, it's bad now I can't even imagine what it's gonna be like when he's actually my husband.

I walk back and forth between my room annoyed and still not happy with how my revenge plan went. So why stop there. Let's see how far Mr Rossi can actually go.

I think I deserve to have a little fun and maybe get laid, so what's better than going to a club and doing both.

I know Mr Rossi has a meeting at 7pm tonight so when he's in that I'm gonna sneak out and find my way to a club, and I think I know the perfect one.

When Mr Rossi and I were at the event where Adam stole me, he told me about his enemies nightclub and how it's notorious for hookups and crazy nights. Sounds perfect. I think it was called Devils Den? Weird fucking name but sounds good enough.

Now all I have to do it wait.


A few hours go by and I am dressed and ready to sneak out. I'm wearing a tight red dress which barely covers my ass. I straightened my long brown hair and did some gold themed makeup, with gold jewellery. I look so hot I'm definitely gonna get laid.

I quietly tiptoe out of my room holding my black heels in hand so it doesn't make any noise. I creep down the stairs avoiding any cameras or guards. Then I make it to the back door where I know no one watches.

I quickly check my phone on where to go and then I leave it here cause I know Mr Rossi tracks it.

Then I make a run for it. I run so fast out the gates and down the streets until I'm out of eyesight of his huge mansion. I am puffing and panting, when was the last time I've actually ran?

I slip on my heels and navigate my way to the club.

Once I'm out the front I look up to see big bright neon letters spelling out Devils Den. I look back down and see the massive queue and groan at the sight. Reluctantly I join the queue.

I finally make it to the front and show the bouncer my ID. He lets me in and I am blinded by the strobing lights and sweaty bodies surrounding me. The smell of alcohol and weed floods my nose and I almost gag.

I make my way over the the bar to get some starting shots.

"Two shots please, lime and salt" I tell the bartender and he nods. As I wait for my drinks I feel a hand slide into the small of my back.

"Are those shots both for yourself?" The man asks me still behind me.

"Yeah, unless you want the other one?" I ask him turning my head to get a look at the mysterious man. I look up and I see a tall dark haired man with brown eyes and full plump lips waiting to be kissed.

"What's your name beautiful?" He asks me staring into my eyes.

"Julie, what's yours?" I ask him.

"Matteo Bianchi." he tells me showing an evil grin. My heart instantly stops when he says his name. Matteo is the owner of this club meaning he is Mr Rossi's enemy, and I have an extremely bad feeling he recognises me.

"Y-you mean Matteo Bianchi who owns this club?" I ask gulping out of fear. He moves closer to me an whispers into the shell of my ear.

"Also the Bianchi who is enemies with your fiancé." he says to me and my stomach drops.

"And I have some unfinished business with your fiancé so you're coming with me gorgeous." he smirks and grabs me covering my mouth with his clammy hand.

Why the fuck is this happening to me again??

I squirm under his hold and try to scream, I bite his hand in the process.

"Fuck, you bitch!" he yells over the loud music which is slowly fading. He drags me outside and pushes me into a car. I instantly black out when my head hits the floor of the car.


I leave my meeting exhausted and annoyed from these idiots. As soon as I leave my mind goes to Julie, curious on what she's up to since I haven't heard from her in a while.

I climb up to her room and quietly knock on her door.

"Julie?" I ask almost at a whisper wondering if she's even awake. I creak open the door and my eyes widen. She's not in her bed so I stride over the the bathroom, she's not there either.

"Julie!" I call out exiting her room and going to the kitchen. I call her name again after not seeing her there either.

I start to feel panic and run to my office to check the cameras on my laptop. I search through all the footage and see my Julie creeping around in a tight red dress holding her heels. I see her exit the back door and my blood boils. I see she leaves her phone on the table too and that makes me even more angry knowing I wont be able to track her as easy.

I storm back downstairs and grab Julie's phone. I open it and see the directions leading too Devils Den, my biggest enemies nightclub, also known as Matteo Bianchi. My heart quickens as I realise the danger she has just put herself in. I need to find her now before its too late.

I go back into my office and ask my best hackers to hack the security footage of the nightclub. As I flick through the footage my stomach drops seeing Bianchi approach my future wife.

My blood boils seeing him place his hand on the small of her back and I struggle to breath seeing how unaware she is of the danger she's in.

I watch her slowly spin around and meet his eyes. Her face instantly drops and so does mine. I watch for a few more seconds until I see Bianchi grab her. I stand up from my seat and push my computer off my desk out of anger.

I storm out of my office and without even gathering any men I fling open my car door and speed to the fucking Devils Den.


Oooo more kidnapping. Well i hope you liked the chapter and enjoy seeing Levi stress over Julie once again.
Anyway by Lovies ❤️

Word count: 1129

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