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Do I wanna know- Arctic Monkeys


Fuck. I shouldn't have done that. I don't even know why I did it. I hate her. I don't think I was thinking clearly, it was a crazy night.

I soon as I leave the bathroom I stride to my room.

I strip my clothes and turn on the shower letting the hot steam fog up the room. I let the hot water almost burn my back and the warmth isn't helping my dick get any less harder.

Then I start to thinking about Julie. How her thigh felt under the palm of my hand. How close she was to me and her strong scent filling my nose. How I felt her soft full lips skim mine.

As my thoughts run wild with her my hand skims down my chest and past my abdomen, finding its way to my length. I start sliding up and down myself. My breathing quickens and gets louder and deeper the closer I get to releasing. As I go down my length harder and faster, I let out a few groans and all I can selfishly think about is my Julie.

"Oh God Julie", I groan as I can feel the knot twisting in my stomach. I smack one hand on the wall above my head resting it there to stabilize myself and the other still stroking me, finally I come and the white hot liquid shoots out of me and onto the wall. I tilt my head back moaning and ride out my orgasm.

When I come down from my high I realise what I've just done. I just came to a girl I despise and a girl who I have to marry in less than two months.

I switch off the water and dry myself off still dazed and confused on my feelings.

I slip on just a pair of grey sweatpants and climb into bed. I lay on my back and stare at the ceiling. My mind goes back to Julie and I mentally slap myself for it. But finally I fall asleep to the memory of how she felt in my arms and hands.


Anger. At first I felt embarrassed and upset but now all I can feel is rage. He left me sitting on the bathroom counter filled with lust, because why? He wants to play with my feelings. Well I guess two can play it that way.


I wake up with an aching pain on my side. I check the bullet wound and a purple bruise has started to form around it.

I climb out of bed careful not to accidentally bump the bruise and I slip on my usual attire. Black dress pants and a white button up shirt which is tucked in to my pants, rolled up to my elbows and a few buttons undone at the top. I layer my fingers with a few rings and a chain to go around my neck. I spray some cologne and make my way downstairs.

As I make my way to the dining room I see Julie already at the table. She looks angry. She hasn't even glanced my way but I can tell my presence is affecting her.

I sit down at the opposite end of the table and wait to see if she decides to speak. She doesn't so I do instead.

"Luca is coming over today." I tell her wanting to forget about the other night.
She doesn't respond and stares at her food contemplating what to say.

"Really? You wanna just ignore what happened last night?!" She speaks up angrily finally looking at me in the eyes.

"I'd prefer to never speak of it again." I tell her trying to remain calm.

"Well great cause it meant nothing to me anyway." she tells me getting up and storming to her room.

"Good! It meant nothing to me either!" I yell back at her.

"Fuck you!" She flips me off and leaves.

I slump back into my chair and let out a loud sigh. I don't give a fuck about her anyway why should I care. I just have to get through these last two months and it'll be fine, right?


I hate him! I at least wanted to address what happened the other night but I guess he had other plans. I can't believe I actually started to not completely hate the guy and now all of my feelings of lust and hatred has made me confused.

I need revenge, and he has made it very easy for me to get that revenge, through jealousy. He told me his friend Luca is coming over today. So I'm gonna flirt my hardest with Luca and let's see how he feels about me after.

So I decide to get changed and put on some makeup. I wear tiny booty shorts and a crop top which barely contains my boobs. I slap on some mascara, lipgloss and other little details to make my face look flawless. I let my brown hair fall down my back and give it a quick brush. I look effortlessly hot. Perfect for a revenge plan.

After a few minutes I hear some laughter and noise come from downstairs and I know it's go time. I make my way downstairs trying to sway my hips as much as possible. I make eye contact with Mr Rossi and then I leave my eyes on Luca's.

"Hi Luca! I don't think we really formally met. I'm Julie." I say to him, giving him a hug.

"Oh well nice to formally meet you Julie." he says to me hesitantly hugging me back. I can feel Mr Rossi's burning gaze on me but I only keep my eyes on Luca.

"So you got a girlfriend?" I ask him giving him doe eyes.

"Nope single Pringle right here." he grins at me.

"Nice to know Luca, hey maybe we cou-" I start to say but Mr Rossi cuts me off.

"Enough" he sternly says to me. He grabs me by the arm and pulls me into a room.

"What the fuck are you wearing!?" He tells me pressing his weight into me.

"Clothes." I snap back.

"Barely! Your strutting around in basically nothing around my men and Luca. You know I don't trust anyone with you." He tells me flicking his eyes between mine while softening his own.

"Maybe I want to be with Luca." I tell him lying, I don't have any feelings like that towards Luca. I could see him as a good friend though.

"Sorry love, not happening." he tells me starting to get angry again.

"If I even see you or him flirting like that again I will make sure your daddy never sees the light of day again." He says to me his face inches away from mine so I can feeling his hot breath tickle my face.

"Why? Are you jealous?" I ask breathless.

"No, just making sure nobody touches what's mine." he tells me and his words make me clench my thighs together. He notices and glances down then pushes himself away from me and heading back to where Luca is.

He leaves me there again filled with lust and confusion and I still wanna slap him across the face just as much. It seems like my revenge plan backfired and turned back on me.


Hope you liked the chapter! I'm getting kinda unmotivated but I'm pushing out longer chapters. Which probs won't last long.
Anyway bye babies ❤️

Word count: 1221

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