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Consume- Chase Atlantic


I slowly make my way downstairs not wanting to ruin my dress or hair. As I'm walking down the steps I make eye contact with Mr Rossi waiting at the bottom. He hasn't lifted his eyes away from my yet examining my entire body almost in awe. When he finally brings his eyes to mine he leaves them there for a moment then snaps his head away.

I finally reach the bottom and he lifts his arm up for me to wrap onto.

"You look decent." he tells me.

"I think I look better than decent." I snap back.

He just lets out an annoyed sigh and ignores my comment. Then he leads us out into the black Tesla waiting for us. He opens the door for me and I climb in.

After a 20 minute silent drive we finally arrive at the event. I stare out the window and see a massive mansion with crowds of people entering. As I'm gazing at the place in awe I nearly fall out the car because the door has been opened for me. Mr Rossi holds out his hand for me to take and I reluctantly do. He pulls me to his side and wraps his hand around my waist.

"I need us to look like a happily engaged couple as much as we can tonight." he whispers into my ear.

I nod my head and continue walking to the entrance. We are greeted with two men dressed in fancy suits handing out a glass of champagne, and I eagerly take the glass. I haven't had a good drink in ages, so I almost l gulp down the entire glass in a matter of few seconds.

"Easy, I don't need you getting drunk." Mr Rossi says to me lifting the glass away from my lips.
I roll my eyes and just hold the glass only taking a few sips at a time.

Mr Rossi leads us to a nice looking couple. The man takes out his hand to shake Mr Rossi's.

"Hey how you doing Mr Rossi" the man shakes his hand.

"Not bad how about you Mr Carter" Mr Rossi replies with a firm handshake.

"Yeah not bad, and this is my wife Mrs Carter" Mr Carter gestures to his beautiful wife. She has short blonde hair and some beautiful blue eyes. She's wearing a long red dress which is tight all the way down her body.

"Hello, and who is this?" Mrs Carter greets.

"Ah this is my fiancé Julie Hart" Mr Rossi introduces me.

"Hi lovely to meet you both" I shyly wave to the both.

"Mr Carter and I have some business to attend to so why don't you and Mrs Carter go talk" Mr Rossi says to me, but loud enough for the both of them to hear. I nod and Mrs Carter and I walk off the the bar.

"So what's your first name?" I ask her not wanting to refer to her as Mrs Carter.

"It's Isabella but you can call me Isabel and my husbands name is Daniel" she grins at me.

"So Isabel how long you been married to Daniel?" I ask her trying to make small talk.

"About 2 years, it's been amazing it feels like we are going to be in our honeymoon phase forever" she exclaims to me with the biggest smile on her face.

We continue the small talk and I'm glad to say I've made another friend. Then Mr Rossi and Daniel come back over.

"Time to dance." Mr Rossi whispers to me. I nod and he guides me to the dance floor. I wrap my arms around his neck and he rests his hands on my waist a pulling me closer to his chest. We slowly move to the rhythm of the song.

"How are you, completely bored?" Mr Rossi asks me while resting his chin on my head.

"Yeah I'm okay Isabel seems really nice." I reply not being bothered to give him any attitude.

"Yes her and Daniel are good people beneath all of this, so you can always trust them." he tells me. We dance silence for a bit until I break it.

"What's your favourite colour?" I ask Mr Rossi feeling awkward.

He chuckles "probably blue." he tells me.

"What shade?" I ask and he moves and lifts my head so he can meet my eyes.

"Probably the same colour as your eyes." he tells me almost at a whisper. I part my lips and flick between is beautiful green eyes, shocked at his answer. Unfortunately we are interrupted.

"I hope you don't mind but am I able to get a dance with this fine young lady." the man asks grinning at me.

Mr Rossi's grip on my waist tightens as he begins to speak.

"N-" he begins but I cut him off.

"Sure!" I say excitedly trying to cut Mr Rossi and I's conversation short.

"Great!" The man says as he reaches out for my hand and I let him take it. He leads me completely to the other side of the dance floor very quickly. I start to feel uncomfortable but continue dancing with him. Until he says something that makes my heart drop.

"You didn't think you could get away with hurting Adam Wilson did you?" He whispers into my ear grinning and before I know it I am spun directly into the arms of none other than Adam Wilson.

"W-what are you doing here." I say to him shocked.

"I'm here for revenge, nobody treats me like that and can get away with it. Your fiancé decided it was a good idea to beat the shit out of me, so I am going to take away something of his, you." He whispers into my ear and grabs me leading me away from the dance floor.

My eyes frantically search for Mr Rossi but I can't find him. Adam holds a hand over my mouth and wraps his other arm around my arms holding me down. I wriggle and try to escape but he's too strong.

He leads me into a dark hallway and I slam him against the wall.

"Get off of me!" I yell trying to throw punches, but then his buddies come and grab both of my biceps and lead me through a back door.

We make it all the way to his black suv and I turn to look back to see Mr Rossi running out of the door holding up his gun, but before I know it I am being shoved into a van and a clothe is placed over my nose.


Oooo hope you liked the chapter. I am getting a bit lazy on the writing but I'll try and do better, I've just been busy.
Anyway bye babies

Word count: 1143

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