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Earned it- The Weeknd


As I slowly gain consciousness I can feel myself slightly shaking and moving. I must still be in the car. I keep my eyes closed and pretend I'm still asleep. I can hear some talking coming from what sounds like Bianchi and another man.

"We're about 20 minutes away sir." the man speaks with a deep husky voice.

"Hurry up I'm sure miss future Rossi will wake up any minute." Bianchi tells the man angrily.

"Uhh sir I think there's someone following us." the man speaks, but before Bianchi can respond the van is jolted causing me to let out a small squeal.

"Ah good morning Julie." Bianchi tells me speaking over the back seat where I am.

"Where the fuck am I?" I try to shout but my body feels so weak.

"Well we arrive at our destination very soon, we've traveled very far for you sweetheart." Bianchi tells me.

"I'm not your sweetheart." I spit at him.

"I'll call you whatever I-" Bianchi tries to speak but is cut off by the car screeching. We are tossed and flipped over a few times and all I can hear is the ringing sound echoing in my ears, slowly I feel myself fall out of consciousness.


I wake up to the sound of fire blazing and me being upside down. I slowly flutter my eyes open and see Bianchi and the man also being hung upside down. They are luckily both unconscious.

I groan at the pain on the side of my waist, I think some glass has sliced me.

Once I'm fully awake and realised the situation I'm in, I try and free myself but the seatbelt is stuck.

I don't know much about cars on fire but I don't think it's a good sign to be in them for too long. I try to cut myself free with a piece of glass but it's too blunt and I cut my fingers in the process. My vision starts to go blurry from being upside down for too long and I can feel all the blood rushing to my head.

As I start to slow down I can hear someone shouting my name.

"Julie!" Someone shouts but I can barely keep my eyes open.

Then I recognise the voice, it's Mr Rossi. I see Mr Rossi pull open the car door with so much strength he almost rips it off.

"Don't worry baby I'm gonna get you out." he tells me, but I can't even nod to show him I'm alive and can hear him.

Mr Rossi cuts my seatbelt with a pocket knife and holds onto me sliding me out of the car onto the empty road. I fall limp in his arms and he holds me tight.

He lifts me off the ground and carries me bridal style back to his car.

"It's okay baby, you're safe now." I hear Mr Rossi quietly whisper to me as he places me into his car, but before I know it I've passed out. Again.


I jolt awake and breathing hard. I can't seem to find enough air to fill my lungs and it just leads me to panic more. Until I feel a large warm hand on my thigh.

"Hey it's okay, try breathing through your nose ok?" I hear Mr Rossi's calming voice as he strokes my thigh with his thumb.

I start to calm down breathing through my nose knowing that I'm safe. I look outside the car window and see that it's dark out and we still look pretty far away from home.

"W-what time is it?" I ask Mr Rossi.

"Nearly 11pm." he tells me looking tired.

"How long until we are home?" I ask him worried he hasn't slept.

"About 5 hours." he tells me in a husky voice.

"Have you slept at all? Do you want me to drive?" I ask him knowing it's dangerous the lack of sleep he's had.

"No and No, you're hurt you can't drive." he tells me eyes focused on the road.

"Well maybe we should stop somewhere to get some sleep, at least until morning." I tell him knowing we both aren't suitable to drive.

He nods and pulls off onto another road. We drive for a few more minutes until we arrive at an inn. He helps me out of the car and holds onto my waist keeping me stable.

We enter the old dirty inn and I cringe at the sight of the place. It's small and built out of old chipped wood, and it looks like a few people have probably died here.

"A room for two please, seperate beds." Mr Rossi tells the guy working.

"Sorry man we only got one room left and it's a single bed, you kinda came at a bad time, it's rush hour." The clerk tells Mr Rossi and I feel him tense next to me. Mr Rossi ponders for a few seconds, looks down at me then finally speaks.

"Fine we'll take it." Mr Rossi sighs and places down some cash. The clerk hands him a key and shows us the way.

Mr Rossi still holds on to me tight but squeezes me tighter when we pass an man who stares at me for a bit too long.

The clerk leads us to the room and it's a very small dirty room, with a connecting bathroom. There's a single bed pushed up against the middle of the wall and two closets on the other wall.

"Thank you." I tell the clerk and he nods and leaves.

"You get cleaned up first and then I'll check your wounds and maybe I can figure out some food." Mr Rossi says to me with a small polite smile. I nod and limp my way over to the bathroom.

I use the toilet and take a shower letting the hot water sting my cuts. I dress back into the small red dress I was wearing, feeling uncomfortable in the tight thing.

I make my way out the bathroom again and I see Mr Rossi on the phone. He glances up at me and hangs up.

"I've ordered some pizza for you, your probably starving." he tells me and I nod with a gentle laugh. Mr Rossi stares at me for a few more seconds and then looks like he realises something.

He gets up and starts unbuttoning his shirt. I shamefully stare at his abs and tattoo on his hip. I snap out of my gaze as he comes to me. He lifts up my dress over my head leaving me only in a lace bra and panties. He grabs my waist and looks at my wound on my side.

"I don't have anything to help this but I was just checking to make sure it wasn't too bad" he tells me shifting his eyes to other parts of my body. His hands skim my skin like he's forgotten how much he hates me. Then he clears his throat and grabs his shirt. He helps me get into it grabbing my arms and sliding them through the holes. Then he buttons it up skimming my skin with his knuckles. It sends chills through my body and my nipples harden at the contact.

Once he's done he hesitantly steps back and goes to the bathroom without saying a word.


Heyyyy guysss hope you liked the poorly written chapter, my mind is kinda fuzzy right now but I still hope you enjoyed.
Bye lovies 😘

Word count: 1259

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