Actor Wally『 Nice change 』

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Requested by @Lovleynewyork

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Word count: 741

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Actor was a renowned star known for his charisma on screen. However, behind the dazzling facade, his reputation as a snobby diva was well-earned.

His last assistant had quit under immense stress, leaving a trail of horror stories in their wake.

When the studio hired Y/n, they where aware of the challenges that lay ahead. Actor had a reputation for treating his assistants like personal servants.

True to form, he began to order them around like a taskmaster, expecting them to anticipate his every whim. When they were alone, his rudeness knew no bounds. He would berate them for the slightest mistakes and make unreasonable demands.

"Assistant!" He yelled, his tone dripping with arrogance.

Y/n, trying their best to remain composed, responded, "Yes, Mister Darling? How can I assist you today?"

Actor sneered, relishing in the torment. "I need my coffee. And I mean, right now. It better be the perfect temperature, or you'll hear about it."

One day you would shove that demand down his throat.

They nodded and rushed to prepare the coffee, feeling the weight of his smugness bearing down on them. They handed the cup to him, who took a sip, then immediately scowled.

"Assistant, this is unacceptable!" He exclaimed dramatically. "It's too hot! How many times have I told you the exact temperature I prefer? You're supposed to anticipate my needs!"

"My apologies but-" They apologized profusely, their face flushed with embarrassment but as they tried to explain themselves they got shushed.

After letting out a sigh, they quickly fetched another cup of coffee, making sure it was precisely to his liking this time.

He took it but found another reason to criticize.

"And what's this? The cup is chipped! I can't possibly drink from a chipped cup. Do I have to do everything myself?"

You where stunned as he purposely spilled the liquid inside the mug on them.

Y/n felt a sense of helplessness as they saw Actors satisfaction at their distress. They knew that he enjoyed tormenting them, and it seemed that nothing they did would ever be good enough.

However, there was a twist to Actor's personality that no one outside his inner circle knew about, he adored children.

Whenever he was around kids, his demeanor transformed.

He became sweet, dramatic, and humorous, always going the extra mile to entertain them. It was a side of him that was entirely at odds with his public image.

One day, while accompanying Actor to a charity event for underprivileged children, Y/n witnessed this transformation firsthand.

They watched as he playfully interacted with the kids, making them laugh and smile. It was a stark contrast to the man they dealt with daily.

He was genuinely sweet towards the little ones.

Determined to understand this enigma and perhaps make their own work life more bearable, the assistant decided to approach the star with caution.

They mustered the courage to talk to him, not as an employee, but as someone genuinely curious about his hidden side.

"Mister Darling." They said one day, "I saw how incredible you are with children. You have this amazing ability to bring joy to their lives. I just wish I could see more of that side of you."

The puppet, taken aback by the humans sincerity, paused for a moment.

He had become so used to his diva persona that he rarely let anyone see his softer side. "You noticed that, huh?" He mused, his tone less abrasive.

Over time, the assistant persisted in trying to connect with the star on a more personal level.

They shared stories of their own childhood and their dreams, slowly breaking down the walls he had build up. He, surprisingly, began to open up, revealing glimpses of the kind, humorous, and entertaining figure he could be.

As their relationship evolved, Actor gradually became less demanding and snobby, realizing that his assistant wasn't just a servant but a person who deserved respect and kindness.

"Assistant you've done a great job today, I must compliment you."

"Oh, why thank you sir."

Y/n blushed but quickly hid it from Actor as they helped to adjust his bow tie.

Their professional dynamic began to change, fostering a more collaborative and positive working environment.

In the end, Actor's transformation wasn't just limited to his interactions with children. He learned that genuine connections with other people, even humans, could be rewarding.

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