Royalty Wally『 Fancy words 』

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More Royal content for Beetle-Jesus and everyone else ofc.

Word count: 894

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"My friends, I have called you with a important reason."

Royal was pacing around outside, he looked up in relief as he saw Julie arrive who was dragging Frank along with her.

She was talking of his ears, rambling while making big gestures.

"Please do share, I need to hear any other topic than love. This one right here. Hasn't stopped trying to set me up with Eddie Dear."

"Your in loveeee and I'm gonna be your wingwomen, wether you want it or not."

She claimed proudly, the mischievous expression on her face meaning trouble for him.

Frank gave an exaggerated sigh of displeasure, motioning for Royal to change the topic, preferably right now before Julie would try to demonstrate flirting techniques with a nearby statue as her practice dummy.

"Actually... it's about a conquest revolving around the mentioned subject."

He confided in his friends, figuring they could assist him in this matter. It wasn't all that often they could meet up with the three of them considering their busy schedules. So he had to use this opportunity where they where all together, during one of their cozy tea parties beneath the heart-shaped trees in his rose garden.

His red pompadour glistening in the dappled sunlight, shared his inner turmoil. "I have found myself falling for someone, and it's more than just friendship. I adore them with all my heart, and I believe my feelings are turning romantic. But I'm nervous, oh so nervous, about expressing my true emotions."



Julie was the first to react, squealing. Flapping her hands up and down, stimming with excitement.

"The day has finally come! Both my best friends have found love! I can't-" She ran up to him, wanting to know all the details. "Tell us everything!"

Frank looked surprised by the news, in all fairness he hadn't expected to hear this but he was happy for him.

"Whoever managed to charm you up has my respect. And although I can't be of much help in this department I am always here to listen to you and share my insight on the situation."

Royal gave them both a look of appreciation as he prepared himself mentally to share his honest feelings.

"Thank you, my friends. Your wisdom and support mean the world to me."

The day had arrived for our favorite king to confess his feelings.

He had meticulously planned the moment, but as he stood before them, his heart raced, his usually graceful and eloquent demeanor was replaced by nervousness.

But he remembers the advice of his friends. He would be honest about his feelings.

Y/n arrived, their bright smile lighting up the garden as they greeted Royal, giving a respectful courtesy.

"Your majesty, what did you want to talk about?" They asked, their eyes reflecting curiosity and warmth.

He looked at them with a intent look.


The words I love you burned on the back on his throat but those three words didn't feel enough. It wasn't enough for someone this special.

With the grace of a courtly gentleman, he took their hand in his own. He once again gazed deeply into their eyes, his voice rich and velvety as he began. "My dearest, I stand before you, my heart unburdened, my spirit alight with a passion that only you have ignited. Since the moment we met, you have been the beacon of light in my life, casting a radiant warmth upon my heart. Every day spent in your presence has been a treasure beyond compare."

Y/n's eyes filled with a soft, tender light, they listened with bated breath as Royal continued.

"It is with great humility and unwavering devotion that I confess my love to you, for you are the jewel of my heart, the melody of my soul, and the very essence of my existence. The thought of you fills my days with joy and my nights with dreams of an exquisite future in which we are united as one."

With a delicate flourish, he presented a single, heart-shaped rose, its petals the color of a deep, passionate red.

"This rose, my love, is a symbol of my affection for you. It blooms in the gardens of my heart, nurtured by the essence of our connection. Just as its beauty is unmatched, so is my love for you, my dearest."

Their breath caught in their throat as they held the heart-shaped rose, their heart brimming with emotion.

Y/n placed a hand on their heart, staring at Royal with a look of affection and endearment.

"Your majesty, your words, your gestures, they overwhelm my heart with joy and gratitude. My feelings for you are equally fervent." They confessed, their voice trembling with sincerity. "With you, I have found a love so profound, a connection so deep. You are the ruler of my hear, and I too love you back with every fiber of my being."

It was silent for a moment.

He froze when they said they loved him back, his heart was fluttering.

He reached out his arm, slowly wrapping himself around them hoping it was alright. He gently pushed his cheek against theirs, his cheeks were now flushed red before giving a little kiss on their forehead.

They leaned in, their smile warming up his heart.

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