Part 1

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*YN looking down at her phone as she walks into the meeting room*

YN- hey Dad I'm meeting up with some friends I'll be back later

Tony- sweetheart I'm kinda in the middle of a meeting with the team

YN- *looks up* oh I'm so sorry I didn't mean to interrupt. Peter you coming?

Peter- yeah if it's okay with Mr Stark.

Tony- it's okay go have fun guys love you sweetheart

YN- love you too Dad bye *they leave*

Wanda- Tony I didn't know you had a daughter

Natasha- yeah why didn't you ever tell us about her

Tony- because all of you don't need to know about every little thing in my personal life.

Loki- *Whispers* brother doesn't she seem familiar

Thor *Whispers* she does but I can't place it

Tony- Point Break and reindeer games you going to share with the rest of us what you're both a whispering about over there

Thor- nothing we were just wondering how old is she

Tony- according to the file when I found her she's 19 years old

Steve- wait you found her where?

Tony- yes cap I was on a mission dealing with Hydra I found this 5-year-old huddle up in a corner scared and hurt I took her nurse her back to health and adopted her as my own

Loki- was there anything else in her file about where she originally came from?

Tony- no only the experiments they performed the name they gave her and basic information. why do you ask?

Loki- because 19 years ago our sister was kidnapped from her crib on Asgard it shattered our family especially a mother

Bucky- are you thinking YN could be your sister Loki?

Loki- I honestly don't know it's possible she's the right age and she feels familiar to us

Thor- brother before we jump to conclusions we must get all the information first

Tony- I agree with Point Break on this one and no one is allowed to say anything to her about this understand

Loki- we understand and we won't Tony you have our word

*The team finishes up the meeting Loki and Thor follow Tony down to his lab*

Tony- here's everything I have on her

Thor- thank you Stark does she know about her past

Tony- yes she knows. She still has nightmares from time to time about what Hydra did to her.

Loki- I want to know why you haven't ever mentioned her to any of us

Tony- one I was trying to protect her secondly she told me she wanted to meet everyone on her terms and wasn't going to push her

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