Part 28

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Frigga: you've grown into such a beautiful woman. Tony has done a fine job raising you.

YN: thank you and yes he has. She has been the best father anyone could ask for. I couldn't see anyone else being my dad. Oh God I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like I was happy being kidnapped when I was a baby. *Starts tapping her foot and twitching her leg*

Loki: *squeezes her hand* it's okay little Menace. Mother knows that's not what you meant. *Kisses her forehead and her legs stop twitching*

Frigga: Loki is right. I take no offense. You have a wonderful family here with tony, peter, Loki, Thor and the others. Tony told me how close you and your three brothers are. As well as how you and Loki love to cause mischief and chaos every chance you to get

YN: to be fair we never seriously hurt anyone or damage anything. We just love having fun. Did my dad tell you anything else?

Frigga: yes but only about your time in Hydra which broke my heart so badly. And how he found and rescued you. I'm sorry you had to go through all those horrible experiences.

YN: it wasn't your fault. I'm doing fine. I started college, majoring in English and physiology so. Which Mischief here has been helping me with my homework. I'm obsessed with tinkering and making things like vision and the team suits. And I love reading and doing my combat/magic training. See I'm safe, healthy and happy but don't feel sad about what Hydra did to me.

Frigga: all right *smiles* you're truly the very best parts of Thor, tony, Loki and I. I couldn't be any more prouder of you daughter. I'm so happy we found you my sweet girl.

YN: I am too. Now that I know I'm a princess of Asgard, does that mean I have to perform Royal duties? Like marrying a Royal or having to live on Asgard.

Frigga: oh no my child you don't. You all are allowed to carve your own path, love who you want and live where you want. All I want is for you and your brothers to just be happy. The only thing I ask is for you three to visit from time to time and share our family history with any future children you might have.

YN: that's good I was worried about that. Why can I sense that Odin doesn't agree with you on this?

Frigga: Because he doesn't. But don't worry he will never try to force you to do anything against your wills.

Loki: even Odin knows better than to go against or anger our mother. He values his life too much.

Frigga: very true. Have you found out what your powers are yet?

YN: well I have telekinesis and mine reading courtesy of Hydra and just today I unlocked the power of being able to conjure up any weapon I think of. Do you know what I'm the goddess of and if I'll get any other powers?

Frigga: I do, you are the goddess of war and love. Your weapons power is from the war side. The power for your love side should manifest soon.

YN: wow the goddess of war and love, I don't hate it. Mother how can I manifest my other power quicker?

Frigga: simply by continuing your training and fully embracing who you are. Here I want you to have these *hands her a stack of letters and journals*

YN: what are all these? There are so many.

Frigga: those are the letters I wrote you every year on your birthday and my daily journals about my thoughts and feelings I had from my pregnancy with you until now. I'll be staying here a couple of days if you have any other questions from me. I love you so much.

YN: *hands the stuff to Loki* I love you too mom *hugs her* we must have a mother-daughter day filled with fun and shopping *they both smile and hug again*

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