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* It's the night before Christmas eve. Everyone is decorating and getting ready for the party tomorrow night.*

YN: Hey dad what have you been doing all day down here?

Tony: I have been working on some projects. What time is it anyways?

YN: it's Seven in the evening. You've been in your lab for 13 hours dad. That's why I came down Nat wanted me to check on you and rescue you from the grips of your work.

Tony:  *laughs*  alright consider me saved. What is everyone doing up there?

YN: Well Wanda and Vision are baking cookies and making hot cocoa. Steve, Bucky,  Sam and Thor are putting up all the decorations and lights. Nat and Bruce are hanging stockings. And Peter, Loki, MJ and I were decorating the tree.

Tony: Please tell you haven't put the star on top of the tree yet. You know that is our thing.

YN: Of course not I was waiting for you silly. *starts fiddling with stuff on his desk* So who's coming to this party tomorrow?

Tony: all the regular people you know. Also some new people like The Wayne's. I just started working with them. They are good people.

YN: Cool I can't wait to meet them. Now let's go star up the tree dad.

*'Christmas eve- The party has started, everyone is mingling when the Wayne siblings walk in*

Tony: Sweetheart I would like you to meet Bruce Wayne and his sister Ms. Wayne.

YN: Hello it's very nice to meet you I'm YN Stark-Odinsdottir, Tony's adopted daughter.

Ms. Wayne: Nice to meet you as well. May I ask how you came to be adopted by Mr. Stark. I'm sorry I only asked cause I didn't even know he had a daughter.

YN: not a lot of people did it's ok. I was taken from my crib when I was a baby by Hydra. Where I was experimented on until I was 5 that's when Tony rescued me. He's been my dad ever since.

Ms. Wayne: That's amazing. Would like to go grab a drink while these two talk?

YN: Sure why not. I'll talk you later dad. Again nice to meet you Mr. Wayne.

Bruce Wayne: same.  Until next time

*They walk over to the bar, grab drinks and talk*

YN: With your brother being Batman, are you also a super hero?

Ms. Wayne: No I help him with Wayne enterprises but I leave all the crime frighting to him. Are you apart of the avengers?

YN: Yeah I am. And like you I also help my dad run Stark industries.

Ms. Wayne: I never thought i would be in the same room as the avengers. Let alone how sexy the guys are.

YN: *laughs* yes they are.but they do drive me crazy most of the time. You should come hang out with us sometime and see what craziness goes on around here.

Ms. Wayne: absolutely I would love that. And maybe some time you can come visit the Wayne Manor in Gothem. I can defiantly see us becoming friends.

YN: That sounds like it could fun. I would like that.

Loki: Hey little menace. Who are you hanging out with?

YN: Hi Mischief. This is Ms. Wayne Bruce Wayne's sister. These are my brothers Loki god of mischief and Thor god of thunder.

Ms. Wayne: Well aren't you two hot *blushes* Goodness I apologize

Thor: No need to apologize as you're very beautiful yourself. Care to dance with me?

Ms. Wayne: I very much would love to dance with you. I'll talk to you later YN.

Loki: Well I see your two of your lover boys heading this way so I'm off to find some asguardian ale. Stay out of trouble little menace. *smirks and leaves*

Steve: Look at you looking breath taking in that dress. Bucky and I want to dance with you doll.

YN: Sure. Are you guys going to take turns dancing with me or we all dancing together?

Bucky: That's up to you beautiful. But I would like for us to dance together with you in between us.


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