Part 11

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*after an hour all her homework was done*

YN- Your mother tought you well I'm impressed. Thanks for you help.

Loki- you're welcome. But you need to stop over thinking and getting fluster so easily.

YN- I know I do.  This stuff seems so simple to others but not to me. I'm very smart but college is making me feel dumb.

Loki- Look at all the things you've helped Tony with, his suits and VISION. college work is going to end up being too easy for you.

YN- that's just great I'm going to get so bored with school I'll end up hating it. How can I change it

Loki- couple of options one ask for more advanced classes or do sides projects here to keep your stimulated.

YN-  I like doing projects especially with dad and I never get flustered or over think things it's just peaceful.

Loki- Then there is your answer. I'll even be your study buddy to make sure your don't fail

YN- Awe Loki that's sweet of you. You don't have to if you don't want to.

Loki- I don't mind at all. Most of the time I'm sitting around the compound bored out of my mind. Hanging out with you and helping with your homework was the first fun thing I've done in a long time.

YN- OK that's just sad. This weekend you and I are going to go do something fun outside the compound and I won't take no for answer.

Loki- whatever you say I'll be there sounds like fun

YN- good *faintly smiles* can I ask you something? It must stay between us OK.

Loki- yes you may and you have my word I won't say anything to anyone.

YN- Is it true you believe I'm your sister?

Loki- *shocked* How did you find out about that?

YN- I overheard you three talking earlier. You were talking about my powers, a blood test and how your mom even thought I was your sister.

Loki- yes she does. You look exactly like her. Thor and I know you're our sister even without a blood test but Thor wants to make sure.

YN- I understand. I already saw Bruce we will have the results in a few days. No matter what happens I want you to help train me to use my powers.

Loki- absolutely I'll help you learn how to use your powers safely. I want you to know that if you ever need anything I'll be there for you.

YN- that means so much to me *hugs him* thank you my brother

Nat- I hope I'm not interrupting anything I was just letting you know that dinner is ready if you're hungry

YN- okay thanks Nat we will be down there in a minute

* they head to the kitchen where everyone's grabbing plate of food*

Wanda- do you guys want to do something after dinner

Peter- it depends what do you guys have in mind

YN- I say we should in the night watching some movies

Tony- that sounds like a great idea sweetheart

* they finish up eating and head to the home theater and enjoy a couple of movies before heading off to bed*

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