Part 20

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YN: Ok mister I need to get and put this up.

Bucky: *pulls her back down*  Mmm doll I need you to stay right where you are.

YN:  why?  *grinds on him* is it cause  your little solider is standing at attention?

Bucky: *moans* for fuck sake YN you're not helping but damn does it feel good.

YN: *bites his lip and Whispers in his ear* if you think that feels good you're going to enjoy this. *grinds faster*

Bucky: shit why do you have to have a date tonight. *moans* All I want to do is leave hickeys all over her body.

YN: I apologize sergeant but that doesn't mean I can't mark you. *smirks*

* he squeezes her ass before moving his hands to her hips and pushing against her while she leaves several hickies on his neck and chest. He moves her faster and faster grinding with her until finally he explodes with pleasure*

Bucky: *Breathless* look what you made me do fuck throws his head back

YN: *gets up* you can't be mad you enjoyed every second of it. We definitely should do this again sometime.

Bucky: yes we should yes and next time there will be no clothes involved. Now if you excuse me I need to go change and take a very very cold shower.

YN: *giggles* bye sergeant have a nice shower

*YN puts up the rest of her stuff takes a shower and  gets ready when there's a knock on her door*

YN: Who is it?

Wanda: It's Wanda and  Nat. May we come in?

YN: Yeah of course door is open.

Nat: wow YN you look gorgeous

YN: well thank you. I wasn't sure what to wear. So you guys think that this outfit really looks good?

Wanda:  Yes you look amazing girl.

Nat:  So where is Pietro taking you out to tonight?

YN: he's taking me to a carnival. I'm really excited. I haven't been to one since I was a little kid.

Wanda: my brother is excited too I just spent two hours with him helping him pick out the perfect outfit for this date. *Laughs*

YN: oh that's actually kind of cute. Speaking of which when are you two going to ask out Sam and my dad?

Nat: why would anyone ask at your dad? Wanda likes Sam.

YN: and you like my dad. It's hard to miss you blushing and flirting with him and him constantly staring at your ass.

Wanda: it's true everyone sees it. And we want them to ask us out first.

YN: then you two would be waiting for eternity. When it comes to Sam and my dad you are the ones that have to take charge. So get your asses up let's go.

* the three of them had to the living room where Tony and Sam are sitting*

Tony: hey sweetheart. Aren't you going out tonight?

YN: I am in just a few minutes but these two needed to ask you and Sam something first. *Glares at Wanda and Nat*

Wanda: I've liked you for a while now. I was wondering would you like to go out sometime?

Sam: sure I would really like that. How about next Friday?

Wanda: sounds perfect

Nat: guess it's my turn. Tony I would like to take you out on a date next Saturday. What do you say?

Tony: I say yes. And I will make sure that our day is romantically magical.

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