Part 2

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* several hours later Peter and YN are back at the compound*

YN- dad we're back I got you your favorite snacks while we're out

Tony- thanks sweetheart you're the greatest daughter in the world you know that

YN- Oh I know I'm pretty damn awesome so Im ready to meet everyone over dinner tonight if that's okay with you

Tony- yeah that's fine if that's what you want I can have some food delivered

Peter- no need to start we already picked up some food for everybody

Tony- well then I'll have F.R.I.D.A.Y tell everybody to me in the kitchen in a half an hour

YN- sounds good come on Peter let's go set everything up and Dad don't make me have to drag you out of this lab to come eat

Tony- yeah yeah I'll be there Miss Bossy

*Half an hour later all of them are in the kitchen*

Tony- YN I want you to meet Thor, Loki, Steve, Bucky, Pietro, Sam, Wanda, Natasha, and you already know Bruce and Vision and Clint is with his family

YN- hello it's very nice to meet you guys

Pietro- very nice to meet you as well

Bucky- yeah I finally get to meet the beautiful daughter of Tony Stark how lucky am I *smiles*

Tony- no hitting on my daughter Bucky she's off limits

YN- *laughs* I didn't know what everyone likes so I hope you all like Mexican food

Sam- I love mexican food it's my favorite

YN- oh good go ahead and dig in before it gets cold

Natasha- how do you know Peter vision and Bruce?

YN- Peter and I go to school together and we are best friends, Bruce has been my doctor since I was 5 and I helped my dad create Vision

Steve- wow you're beautiful and smart I like that

Tony- not you too Steve put the hormones back into the box right now

YN- *Chuckles* Dad it's okay calm down before you have an aneurysm I can handle myself

Wanda- oh I like her she's a sassy female version of Tony

Peter- you have no idea she's also mischievous and can kick your ass

Natasha- oh really one of these days I would love to throw down with you in the training room to see what you got

YN- I'm down I'm always up for a challenge and a chance to knock someone on their ass

Thor- how did we never see you around here Lady YN

YN- well when I was younger I spent a lot of time with Uncle Clint and his family when I got older dad gave me an entire floor to myself that has everything I need even my own private elevator

Bucky- damn on top of being smart and hot. you're very good at being sneaking and hiding in plain sight that's impressive and I think I'm in love

Tony- this is my final warning if you or Steve hit on my daughter one more time I will kill both of you

YN- don't worry boys if he tries to kill you I'll protect you *Winks at both Steve and Bucky*

Tony- please stop encouraging them daughter of mine

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