Part 17

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Wanda: all right I'm going to go tell Nat the plan and get ready we'll see you later.

YN: okay girl. Hey mischief good morning

Loki: morning I just ran into my very excited brother.

YN: You mean our excited brother?  He did run out of here like a kid on Christmas.

Loki:  *chuckles* yes our brother. So what's going on with him anyways?

YN: I wanted to spend time with him. So him and I are going shopping. And I may have told him we could go to Target.

Loki: oh boy make sure you bring one of your dad's cards with no limit cause he will try to buy out the entire store.

YN:  mmmm noted but if he doesn't buy everything in the store then I'll probably will.

Tony: What is this I hear about trying to buy out a store?

YN: oh nothing to wory about dad. Just Thor and I are going shopping then Wanda and Nat are going to meet up with us later.

Tony: because you are my daughter after all I'm not even going to waste my breath telling you don't overspend.

YN: aw dad you're learning. Well I'm going to go find Thor so we can get out of here. I'll see you later.

Tony: hold up before you go I need to ask you about something.

YN: okay sure what's up Dad?

Tony: last night I went to go talk to Bruce about you having some blood test done and he informs me that you already did that two days prior.

YN: yeah I went to go see him about something and he mentioned that he needed to do some blood work so I had it done.

Tony: okay but then he said that you asked for extra tests but he wouldn't tell me what those tests were.

YN: Dad don't worry it's nothing bad. Look I got to go.

Tony:  YN Alana Stark you turn yourself right around and answer my questions and quit lying to me.

YN: fine the truth  is I overheard you Loki and Thor talking about how I might be their sister and that I might have other powers.

Tony: wait what!? You knew this whole entire time and you didn't come to talk to me about it. why?

YN: because apparently you three were keeping it from me because you didn't think that I could handle it. So why would I say anything?

Tony: I was just trying to protect you and I didn't want you to be freaked out or overwhelmed. You should have still came and talked to me.

YN: and no offense dad you should know I'm not a child anymore. I'm a big girl I can handle a lot more than you think. Now can I go please?

Tony: *sighs*  yes you can go. Have fun. I do love you sweetheart.

YN: I know Dad I love you too. Bye mischief.

Loki: Bye YN. see you when you get back.

Tony: reindeer games did you know that she overheard our conversation?

Loki: no Stark she never mentioned anything to me.

Tony: I swear she must be your sister. she literally takes out to both of you. And the more she hangs out with you two the more it comes out.

Loki: come on Tony it's not that bad.

Tony: right... she has your mischievousness and love of reading and Thor's charm and obsession with Pop-Tarts.

Loki: and she has your smartassness and I don't give a damn attitude. She's a triple threat. *smirks*

Tony: don't I repeat don't remind me! *Shakes his head*

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