Part 27

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* 3 weeks later: Tony and Nat, and Wanda and Sam have had several dates and are going steady. Harry as barely talked to yn. YN has been working on her powers with the others.*

Nat: Are you positive you xan take on us both?

YN: Yeah I'm sure. Don't go easy on me hit me with all you both got.

Wanda: oh we will and the same goes for you YN. Embrace your powers.

* Wanda and Natasha begin sparring with YN. Sam and Bucky sneak up behind her for a surprise attack. When Bucky charges her with a knife suddenly conjures up of a pair of sai daggers and deflects his attack.*

Bucky: Holy shit where the hell did those come from?

YN: I don't know. I sensed you coming and saw your knife and all I thought was "damn I wish I had a pair of Sai daggers right now." And then boom.

Nat: Intresting. YN I want you to think about another weapon or two and see what happens.

YN: ok sure I give it a whirl.

* YN thinks about 2 hand gvns and they appear. Then she thinks of a fighting staff and it materializes in her hands.*

Loki: Looks like you have discovered a new power. Well done little menance.

YN: Thank you mischief

Sam: That was totally badass!

Nat: Yes it was. Your confidence is growing more and more. We are all proud of you YN.

YN: Thanks Nat. I could have done it with all of you guys training and pushing me.

Thor: *walks in* Hey what's are you all up to?

Bucky: we were just doing some training with YN and she learned a new power.

Thor: is that so little pop-tart? What is your new power?

Sam: go ahead show him pretty please.

YN: okay okay hold your horses *she shows him her power*

Thor: that is very impressive.

Loki: indeed brother.

Thor: well I hate to take Loki and YN away. But our mother is here and she wants to see her daughter.

*They go to her library  and she sees Tony and Peter talking with her mother*

Tony: there you are sweetheart.

Peter: we will leave you along with your mother sis.

Tony: we will all be right outside if you need us. Gives her a kiss on the cheek I love you.

YN: I love you too Dad. Mischief can you stay with me please?

Loki: of course I'll stay.

*They all leave and YN sits nervously across from Frigga holding Loki's hand for comfort. frigga takes a moment to stare at her grown baby girl*

Frigga: Hello YN.

YN: Hi mother.

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