Part 24

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* they both run frantically to the car and peel out of the parking lot speeding all the way home*

Loki: that was the most fun I've had in centuries.

YN: *giggles* I'm glad you had as much fun as I did. So am I forgiven for waking you up so early this morning?

Loki: Yes you're forgiven little menace. I  hope we can do this again.

YN: Of course mischief. As your new partner in crime, we can go on as many adventures as you want. And we can cause a little chaos here and there.

*They walk into the living room where everyone is glued to the TV*

Loki: what is everybody watching?

Tony: there you two are. Is this your doing?

News Announcer: Today at the local Renaissance fair chaos broke out. All the Renaissance animals got out of there pens. They stampeded through the crowds causing some goers to get minor cuts and bruises. Local animal control are still trying to round up some of the animals at this time. A spokesman for the Renaissance Fair stated that they are looking into how the animals escaped.

YN: oh look at that Mischief we made it on the news!

Tony: So it was you two?

YN: Dad come on. Nobody really got hurt and we were just having fun.

Tony: Seriously!  From now on if two go any where together, a babysitter is going with you.

YN: What!? That's rich coming from you dad. How many times did you and the Avengers destory New York city?

Loki: She has a point Tony. Maybe you are the one that needs the babysitter.

Tony: I don't need a damn babysitter. I'm a grown ass man!!

YN: And Loki and I are grown adults too. You can't treat like we are 2.

Thor: Honestly Tony the more our father tried to control Loki the more resentful and destructive he became.

Peter: No one got badly hurt and the damage was surprisingly minimal. Leave me be and trust them.

Bucky: I think what they did was funny as hell.

YN: well thanks James. See he has a sense of humor.

Steve: Buck you're not helping. No encouraging them.

Pietro: why not?  I want to join them next time and see what craziness happens.

Tony: No No No! Did I mention no! It's bad enough with YN and reindeer games. We don't need to add you to the mix.

YN: oh it's going to happen eventually  so don't hold your breath dad. Anyways MJ, what were you guys doing before the news fiasco?

MJ: We had just finished a movie and was about to play some video games. You wanna join us?

YN: Sure  just let me go get changed real quick.

MJ: Ok we will get things setup.

Loki: Thanks again for today little menace. I had a lot of fun and I'm happy I got to spend time with you. *hugs her* I love you.

YN: I love you too mischief.

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