Part 23

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Loki: that's why my nickname for her from now on is little menace. Now I need to pump myself full of caffeine if I'm going to survive the day with her.

Steve: What are you two doing today?

YN: Him and I are going to the Renaissance Festival.

Tony: oh God you two go together like a match and a fuse. I already know that you guys are going to cause some kind of trouble.

Sam: Tony they'll be fine. Plus how much trouble can they get into at a Renaissance Festival?

YN: You would honestly be surprised Sammy

Nat: So when are you going to hang out with us?

YN: I was thinking Sunday we can do some training then afterwards we can have some girl time

Wanda: that sounds like fun. we can watch movies, paint our nails, and eat junk food.

Nat: that sounds fantastic.

* they all eat breakfast. Afterwards YN cleans up the kitchen*

YN: hey Peter, you missed breakfast but there's a plate in the fridge for you.

Peter: thanks YN. Do you have any plans for today?

YN: Yeah I do. Loki and I are going to the Renaissance Festival. Why do you ask?

Peter: Because I invited Harry, Ned and MJ over to hang out. I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with us?

YN: oh sorry. But maybe when I get back we can all hang out.

Peter: sounds good. Have fun at the Renaissance Festival. I'll see you later. *Leaves*

* after a 3-hour drive Loki and YN make it to the Renaissance Festival*

Loki: this is what a Renaissance Festival looks like. What should we do?

YN: Well we definitely have to watch a jousting competition and eat smoked turkey legs for sure.

Loki: I already know I'm going to love the jousting competition. But what's so great about these turkey legs?

YN: Smoked turkey legs are absolute most amazing thing ever besides Pop-Tarts. They're big juicy and delicious.

Loki: You make it sound like they are going to change my life.

YN: Oh they will I know it. You'll see and you'll become a believer.

* they spend the next few hours watching the different shows eating turkey legs talking and having a blast*

YN: Okay I think before we leave we need to cause some mayham. Are you up for it?

Loki: They don't call me the god of mischief for nothing. what's the plan?

YN: *Whispers the plan in his ear* Now let's go get this party started!

* they head over to where all the animals are being kept. They open up all the pins and let all the animals loose. chaos then ensues*

Loki: * laughing* There's nothing better than seeing people getting knocked over by a trampeding animals and drinks flying. everywhere.

YN:*laughing* I totally agree. this is the best day ever.

Loki: YN why are those two men looking at us like that?

YN: Oh shit it's security run Loki run!

Loki: *running* Are we really being chased by men in tights right now?

YN: *running* Yes now move your ass I'm not going to get caught. And you better not use your magic and leave me behind either!

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