Part 6

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YN- I say we leave these two and go get some lunch

MJ- I agree I refuse to let those two or anyone get in between me and food

*at the campus cafeteria*

MJ- I'm going to grab some thing to eat you should find us a table

YN- yeah sure once you're done I'll go get something

*YN finds a table and calls her dad while nibbling on a poptart*

YN- hey Dad how are you

Tony- I'm good sweetheart how's college so far

YN- it's okay I'm just a little tired and I can't wait to go home

Tony- I know honey just hang in there and when you get home you can tell me all about your day over some ice cream

YN- that sounds amazing dad I love you and I'll see you later

Tony- I love you too sweetheart

* she hangs up the phone and someone approaches her*

Harry- hey again are you having lunch by yourself?

YN- no I'm having lunch with my friends they're just getting food right now

Harry- oh I was going to ask if you wanted to have lunch with me but that's okay

YN- you're more than welcome to join us if you like

Harry- are you sure I don't want to intrude

YN- yeah you're fine the way I see it the more the merrier *smiles at him*

MJ- I'm back I got me some food so you can go because Pop-Tarts are not a meal

YN- I agree to disagree but I'll grab something to make you happy

Peter- YN who's this sitting at our table

YN- this is Harry. and Harry these are my friends Peter Ned and MJ. Talk amongst yourselves I'll be right back

Harry- pleasure to meet you all.

Ned- Likewise. So where did you and yn meet?

Harry- her and I met in chemistry class and we hit it off. She's pretty amazing

MJ- yeah she is and she's totally single

Peter- MJ seriously what the hell?!

MJ- what calm down it's no biggie, I was just putting it out there.

Harry-*chuckles* thanks for letting me know

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