Part 19

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YN: no it won't dad quit exaggerating. Here Thor I got you something.

Thor: is that a Pop-Tart squishmallow. It's adorable I love it.

YN: mischief I found you some books you might like to read. These are some of my favorites.

Loki: please look intriguing. Can't wait to read them thank you

YN: you're welcome. Steve I know you like to draw so I got you a sketch pad and some pencils

Steve: wow these are wonderful and appreciate it

YN: I'm Peter I got you some stuff for your suit.

Peter: really hell yeah you are the best hugs her

YN: Uncle Clint I got you some one of a kind of improved arrows way better than anything that dad can make.

Clint: darling anything you make is better than Tony.

Tony: hey excuse me that was rude!

YN: it might have been rude but it's true. And last but not least James I got you these.

Bucky: holy shit I've been wanting this throwing knife set forever. You're so thoughtful doll. I don't know what to say.

YN: you don't have to say anything. Just seeing the smile on your face is enough.

Bucky: *smiles* I say how well I go get the rest of your stuff from the car and Steve can help you bring this stuff to your room.

YN: that sounds good. I'm off to my room I hope everyone like their gifts and I'll be down later.

*YN and Steve go to her room*

Steve: how did you know that I like to draw?

YN: just because you never saw me doesn't mean that my dad never talked about you guys. Plus I read your files

Steve: oh and here I thought it was because you liked me.

YN: I do like you after all your America's ass and it's a sexy ass if I must say so myself.

Steve: are you flirting with me? You know I'm older than your father right?

YN: yeah so. I've always liked older men. They are so much more fun.

Steve: Well then you can keep doing what you're doing beautiful.

Bucky: Here's the rest of your stuff doll.

Steve: I better get going. I'll let Becky help you with the rest talk to you later.

YN: See you later cap. James you can put the stuff here. Oh I got you a white wolf blanket and stuffed animal to help with not having nightmares.

Bucky: Doll you shouldn't have. They're both very soft. Does this really help?

YN: yeah that's why I have squish Mellows. Cuddling a stuffed animal and a cozy blanket can help you sleep heavenly.

Bucky: Thanks your so sweet. So I heard from Sam that Pietro told him that you have a date with him tonight.

YN: size so much for keeping it quiet but yes I do but it's just a date, nothing more. And remind me to kick Sam's ass from being a loud mouth.

Bucky: *laughs* I will. I hope you know that this isn't going to stop me from being flirtatious with you doll.

YN: *she sits on his lap wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him on the cheek.* I wouldn't have it any other way James.

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