Part 8

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* Ned andPeter take their seats next to the girls*

Ned- what did we miss?

MJ- you guys missed everything. where the hell were you?

Peter- we just had to handle the situation with someone we ran into

YN- what do you mean handle and with who?

Ned- your douchebag of an ex Flash. He was making sly disrespectful comments about you and Peter may have threatened him.

YN- as much as I appreciate that Peter let me deal with Flash okay

Peter- okay I'm sorry I was just trying to defend you. You're like a sister to me I want to protect you.

YN- It's okay I know. Now pay attention before we all get into trouble.

* the bell rings and they start packing up to leave for their psychology class*

Steve- Mr leads, Mr Parker, Miss Fury and Miss Stark can you please stay for a moment.

MJ- yes of course professor

Peter- what is it that you need sir?

Steve- I don't know why you guys were late  today but don't make it a habit. And girls make sure they have everything that we went over before they got here.

YN- yes professor we will.

Ned- Sir why did you ask our names when you already knew who we were?

Steve- that is because though I do know you I have to keep school and home separate. I can't show favoritism to any of you understand

Peter- Yes you better get to our psychology class. We'll see you tomorrow Mr. Rogers

* they're the first ones into class where they see an already flustered Bucky*

Peter- Are you ok Mr. Barnes?

Bucky- not really I don't know anything about teaching. What if I mess up or traumatized the students?

YN- James look at me take a deep breath and just think of this as a pre-mission. You're the team leader and we are waiting for your instruction.

Bucky- That could acutally work. Thanks for the advice.

YN- You're welcome James *flirtatiously smiles*

Bucky- *licks his lips* umm yeah I better finish getting things ready before everyone gets here.

Ned- were you two just flirting with each other

Peter- you have no idea. You should have been there at dinner last night. She had Steve, Bucky and Pietro flirting with her.

MJ- Damn girl look at you having all the men chasing you.

YN- what can I say I'm a bad bitch *chuckles*

* the other students start to trickle in*

Flash- here I thought you were hot in high school look at you now finer than ever

YN- and look at that you got uglier. Tell me did your dick ever grow more than the four inches it was in high school?

Flash- you don't have to pretend around your friends you know that I made you scream my name.

YN- oh please I never screamed your name but I did fake it for the whole 2 minutes each time. Now will you go away!

Flash- I don't think so. I think I'll just stay right here

Harry- she told you to leave so you need to go now

Flash- and who do you think you are *turns around,sees Harry and freezes* oh hey I didn't see you there please forget what I just said

Harry- sure I will now I'm not going to ask you again leave her and her friends alone. Unless you want to find out what happens if you push the matter

Flash- no I don't again I'm sorry I'll leave them alone.

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