Part 7

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YN- *walks back with tray in hand* thanks for letting you know what

Harry- Your friend MJ was just telling me that you're single.

YN- MJ do we have to have that talk again about you trying to set me up with every single cute guy you see

MJ- yeah probably because you know this girl ain't going to stop

YN- of course you're not you're lucky I adore you. I am so sorry about her Harry

Harry- it's okay I think it's kind of funny

MJ- see he has a sense of humor and he's cute

Peter- hey you know me your boyfriend is sitting right next to you

MJ- babe yes  he's cute but you're sexy, and everything I could ever want. You do things to me that no man can ever do.

Peter- oh really now *smirks* well ok then

MJ- God I love you *kisses him* YN, you even admitted it yourself that he was cute don't deny it.

YN- I-I don't um know what you're talking about *blushes hard*

Ned- sure you don't that's why you're turning bright beet red *chuckles*

YN- Ned shut up!  This is so embarassing.

Harry- don't be embarrassed. I think you're cute too especially when you're blushing like that. And I would love the chance to hang out with you outside of school.

YN- really me too sounds like it could be fun. Here's my number call me.

* the five of them finish up lunch and head to their next classes.

MJ- where's Peter and Ned? They have the same freaking class as we did.

YN- I don't know they were right behind us. So there's no way they could have gotten lost right?

MJ- you would think so but with those two who knows. But they got 2 minutes to get here.

* class begins the boys are still not there*

Steve- hello welcome to English 101 I'm your professor Mr Rogers. Before I start the lesson I want to go over expectations of this class.

* Steve goes over everything from midterms papers and finals. After 20 minutes Peter and Ned try to quietly walk in the class unnoticed*

Steve- thank you gentlemen for finally deciding to Grace us with your presence in my class. What are your names?

Ned- *whispers* why is he acting like he doesn't know our names?

Peter- *Whispers* I don't know maybe he just forgot

Ned- *Whispers* dude how could you forget he's known us for years

Peter- how am I supposed to know? I'm just as confused as you are.

Steve- excuse me can you please stop disrupting my class by your side conversation and tell me your names.

Peter- oh yeah I'm sorry Professor my name is Peter Parker and this is Ned Leeds

Steve- thank you now please quickly find your seats and open your books to page 54 please

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