Part 25

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* YN heads towards her bedroom when Harry stops her in the hallway*

Harry: Hey can I talk to you real quick?

YN: Yeah OK sure. What's up?

Harry: You said you were single,  but I heard Loki and you tell eachother I love you. Are you two dating?

YN: Ewww hell no! I would never ever date or sleep with him.

Harry: Wait why not? You clearly love each other.

YN: Harry, Loki and Thor are my brothers.

Harry: Oh wow OK then. But then why did you turn me when I asked you out?

YN: I told you I had plans all weekend. I never told you no. I just said not this weekend. Look I need go change. I'll be down in a few minutes ans we can hang out.

Harry: Right right. I'm sorry for assuming? I hope I didn't upset you.

YN: No Harry you didn't. You're fine but please know I would never lie to you. *she leaves*

*The next morning YN  gets dressed into her work out outfit and heads down to the training room*

Nat: It looks like you ready to do some training thus morning.

YN: I am and if I remeber correctly you  wanted to know how good my hand to hand combat was.

Nat: Sure did. So let's see what you got

*YN does a few rounds with Nat. YN emded up winning all but one round. Afterwards she does her normal work-out routine*

F. R. I. D. A. Y. : Mrs. Stark  Bruce needs you to come to his lab please.

YN: Thanks I'm on my way

*she gets to Bruce's lab and sees Tony, Loki and Thor*

Bruce: Hi YN, I have your test results back

YN: What do they say?

Bruce: You are Loki and Thor's sister. Also shows that you do have at least one additional power that's not from hydra.

YN: Really wow. I can't explain it but I some how knew they were my brothers. Thank you Bruce. This news makes me happy.

Loki: It makes us happy too. I thought that Wanda and I could help you with your powers.

YN: That would be great. I do want to learn use them without being scared.

Bruce: I also need to tell that your aging process has started to slow down as well.

YN: What I thought that started when I born.

Thor:  No Asgardian childern age normally until they turn 18. After that is when we start to age slower.

YN: I see. When can I meet mother?

Loki:  When you're ready mother will come here and you can meet her OK.

YN: I like that. I want to meet her first before meeting Odin.

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