Part 12

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* at 2:00 in the morning YN gets up to get a snack from the Main Kitchen when she hears screaming coming from Bucky's room. She rushes in to see him having a nightmare*

YN- *speaks in russian* James wake up you're having a bad dream

Bucky- * shoots up in bed and wraps his arms around YN* Is that you YN?

YN- *in Russian* Yes it me heard you having bad dream so I came in to help you

Bucky-*in Russian* I didn't know you could speak Russian

YN-*in Russian* yeah I also know French Italian and German. *rubs his back* take deep breaths for me okay

Bucky-*in Russian* okay I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you

YN-*in Russian* no worries I was already awake. Was the nightmare about your time in Hydra?

Bucky-*in Russian* yes when I was the Winter Soldier *Lay's his head on her shoulder*

YN-*in Russian* I know those nightmares are horrible I have them from time to time as well. But remember you're safe and sound. it's going to be okay

Bucky-*in Russian* thank you I'm feeling better

YN-*in Russian* good I'm glad. Will you be okay by yourself for the rest of the night or do you want me to stay?

Bucky-*in Russian* I want you to stay but I don't want to make you uncomfortable and Tony would kill me if he saw you in my bed.

YN-*in Russian* how about we go to my bedroom since I have my own floor and I have a huge king size bed there is plenty of room for both of us.

Bucky-*in Russian* only if you're okay with that

YN-*in Russian* I am now let's go and no need to put on a shirt love

Bucky- *in Russian* sure thing doll *smiles*

* in her room she gives Bucky a glass of water and they talk for a little bit before both laying down. She makes sure he falls asleep before she nods off herself.*

YN- *wakes up to a knock at her door* hold on I'm coming *opens door* what do you need?

Steve- I went to Bucky's room but he wasn't there. Do you know where he might be?

YN- yeah he's in my bed asleep. You need me to wake him up?

Steve- you can let him sleep. But why is he in your bed?

YN- first of all technically none of your business secondly it's not what you think get your mind out of the fucking gutter thirdly, he had a nightmare last night and I helped him through it. anything else?

Steve- you helped him through a nightmare. how did you know what to do?

YN- do you forget I was tortured by Hydra I have the same type of nightmares he does.

Steve- my apologies I forgot I just worry about him he's my best friend you know. But thank you for being there for him in his time of need.

YN- you're welcome now please excuse me I have to go get ready because we all have class in 2 hours.

* she showers and gets dressed letting Bucky sleep as long as possible before waking him up*

YN- morning James time to get up *lightly stroking his cheek* you have to get ready. we're leaving in an hour.

Bucky- good morning doll. Thanks again for letting me stay with you last night I was able to actually get some sleep for once.

YN- no problem you're more than welcome to come stay in my room anytime you're having a nightmare or can't sleep love. I'll see you downstairs for breakfast and coffee.

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