Part 4

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* later that evening YN is Reading in her Library and has her airpods in listening to music*

Loki- yn are you in here? *Walks in* hey yn *taps her shoulder*

YN- *jumps* OMG what the hell Loki you scared me

Loki- I'm sorry I didn't mean to I was unaware you had headphones there

YN- it's okay what is it that you need

Loki- I wanted to see your library which I must say I'm very envious of.

YN- that's not all is it?

Loki- *looks down* no I also wanted to speak to you about your past before Tony like if you remembered anything

YN- *closes her book* Ummm not really the only thing I remember is the torture

Loki- what kind of experiments did they do on you? you don't have to tell me if you don't want to.

YN- no it's fine Hydra injected me with a lot of unknown serums they were trying to make me the perfect soldier that was the strongest and most enhanced.

Loki- I'm truly sorry you went through that but I am glad Tony found you

YN- me too. May I ask you why do you look at me the way you do?

Loki- you intrigue me. It feels like I've known you all my life sounds weird don't it

YN- no it doesn't I feel it too like I'm connected to you and Thor in a non-romantic type of way can't explain it. Would you like to become friends

Loki- I would love nothing more than to become friends with you. I should be going have a good night.

YN- you too loki just so you know you can come to my library anytime you want to read and get away from the others

Loki- thank you I appreciate that

* the next morning yn and Peter go to the kitchen*

YN- good morning everyone. Hey Nick what brings you by?

Fury- I needed to speak with your father and I thought I would bring MJ with me so you didn't know how to pick her up.

YN- sweet, where is she anyways?

Fury- currently she's raiding the fridge for breakfast

YN- Nick seriously do you not feed your own daughter?

MJ- no he does but the food here is better.

YN- I can see that *laughs* are you both already to get to class

Peter- I'm ready to go don't forget we've got to pick up Ned

MJ- yep and after we do that we need to stop and get coffee

* the trio say bye to everyone and leave*

Sam- Fury can I start calling you Nick now

Fury- NO! But by all means try and see what happens.

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