Part 32

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Ms Wayne: I'm confused what just happened?

Yn: nothing I just asked him to do me a favor.

Ms Wayne: but I didn't see you ask him anything let alone hear it.

Peter: she did she just asked him telepathically that's all. I'm going to head upstairs and see MJ see you guys up there *leaves*

Ms Wayne: so you can really talk to someone using your mind?

Yn: only with other telepathic but I can read anybody's mind. And don't worry I understood People's Pharmacy so I don't just go into someone's head.

Ms Wayne: oh okay. Earlier you said you were still trying to learn your new power. What is your new power? If you don't mind me asking.

Yn: I can me to realize any weapon just by thinking about it. I'm also telekinetic uses *her powers to finish straightening up the lab*

Ms Wayne: that's really cool. I haven't been around superheroes wishing once I have powers. It's very fascinating to me. Oh God sorry for rambling and asking so many questions.

Yn: don't worry about it. I don't mind one bit. Now come on let's go meet up with the others.

*Tony's POV*
Tony: hello lady Frigga. Are you enjoying spending time with your kids?

Frigga: very much so thank you. They seem very happy here. I can never thank you enough for taking such good care of them.

Tony: there's no need to. I am lucky and blessed to have them in my life. They have made me a better man.

Frigga: *Smiles* I need you to do something for me. And for now please don't tell my children.

Tony: of course. What is it?

Frigga: Odin and I have been trying to find out how someone came to ask guard and kidnapped YN without anyone knowing and got past heimdoll.

Tony: I've been wondering that as well. It's nearly impossible to get past Heimdoll. since he's all seeing and knowing

Frigga: yes. I need you to find out who did this and why she ended up in hydro. So they can be brought to Justice since we've been unable to.

Tony: I will. It will take sometime but now that we know all of her backgrounds the time frame will be shorter. I won't let you down.

Frigga: thank you Tony. I know you won't.

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