Part 16

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* The next morning YN gets ready and goes finds Thor*

Thor- Morning little pop-tart

YN- Good morning Big pop-tart. Do you have any plans today?

Thor- No I don't. Why do you ask?

YN- I ask cause I wanted to hangout and have you come shopping with me.

Thor- that sounds like fun. Can we go to Target I've always wanted to go there.

YN- sure we can go to Target as long as you don't get too carried away.

Thor- I will try not to but everything here in midgard is just so fascinating to me. I shall go get ready.

YN- okay I'll be waiting. Wanda I was wondering after an hour or two if you and Nat wanted to come join us?

Wanda- I don't see why not, it's always fun to get out of the compound. Plus Nat and I could always use some new clothes

YN- same I'll also need your help to pick out an outfit for a date I have tonight.

Wanda- ooh a date and who's the lucky person

YN- if you promise not to tell anyone else who it is I'll tell you

Wanda- My lips are sealed now tell me

YN- the lucky person is your brother he asked me out last night.

Wanda- Really that's awesome. Is this a casual thing or something more serious?

YN- just the casual thing for right now. I don't know if I want something serious plus they are so many cute guys around here you know

Wanda- *smiles* you're very right about that.

YN- Tell me who do you fancy?

Wanda- I like Sam. We flirted but he hasn't asked me out yet

YN- I have an idea that can fix that. It involves a cute outfit and you getting your hair and nails done. Then you asking that man out.

Wanda- do you really think that could work?

YN- girl I know it will. Sam is going to be in absolute awe when he sees you. He won't be able to resist you.

Wanda- Thanks YN for the boost of confidence. 

YN- You're welcome. Do you know what kind of like dates your brother likes to go on?

Wanda- Yes he is my twin after all.  He's not really into fancy dinners he's more into things like arcades, the roller rink and carnivals.

YN- you wouldn't think he would be into
Wanda- none taken he has always been into those things. I hope you don't mind that your date will probably be one of those things.

YN- absolutely not actually I   really like those things too. I find fancy dinners kind of boring anyways.

Wanda- Glad to hear it. Pietro is very excited for tonight.

YN- I am too actually. I have a feeling we're going to have a lot of fun together. *smirks*

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