Part 5

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*The group arrives at the university with coffee in hand*

YN- what are your guys' first class?

MJ- I have American Studies

Peter- Ned and I have Computer Science together

Ned- what do you have YN?

YN- I have Chemistry but it looks like we all have English and Psychology together

MJ- Sweet so how about we meet back here before English sound good

Peter- Sounds great will you girls be OK without us

YN- Peter unlike you and Ned, we aren't
co-dependent on eachother or you guys.

Ned- we aren't co-dependent we do lots of stuff separately

MJ- could have fooled me even when you go on dates with girls the other one has to come along trust me I know. Now if you excuse me I got to go to class

Peter- what did she mean by that

YN - I swear sometimes you are the dumbest smart person I know use that brain and think it will come to you now I'll see you guys later

* she walks into class and try to find a seat*
YN- Is this seat taken?

Harry- No it's not you can sit there if you want

YN- thank you so much. Hi my name is YN Stark

Harry- hello I'm Harry Osborn nice to meet you. I haven't seen you around before. Are you new here?

YN- yeah is my first semester of my freshman year

Harry- well if you need help finding any of your classes or wanted tour of the campus I would be more than happy to show you

YN- I just might take you up on that offer sometime *smiles*

* it's lunch time and YN goes to meet up with the rest of the group in the quad*

MJ- hey girl how have your classes been so far?

YN- not too bad some of them are boring some of them are interesting. So where are the guys?

MJ- I don't know I haven't seen them since this morning

*The guys run up to them out of breath*

YN- what the hell is with all the manic running

Peter- well we got lost, had to run to all of our classes, and it's Ned's fault we were late to all of them because he was super slow

Ned- my fault no it's your fault if you would have listened to me and went over the campus map to know where all our classes were we wouldn't have had to do all that

*Both girls uncontrollably laugh their asses off at Peter and Ned bickering and arguing like toddlers*

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