Part 13

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Peter- does dad know that Bucky slept in your room last night?

YN- no does Dad and Nick know that you snuck MJ in after everybody was asleep to have some fun?

Peter- how did you know? I made sure that no one heard her or had seen her.

YN- Peter you forget I have my father's daughter so I know everything that goes on in this compound. Is she still here or did she leave?

Peter- well about that. This is why I was trying to come find and talk to you.

Fury-*yells* Anthony Edward Stark do you know where my daughter is?!

Tony- calm down one-eyed pirate. I haven't seen her since she left last night before dinner to go home.

Fury- well she's not at home and there's no other place you would go Tin Man. So you better get me Peter because I want to have a little chat with him!

Peter- oh God he's going to kill me. YN please please help me I'm begging you.

YN- absolutely not you may be like a brother to me but you're on your own there buddy.

Peter- so you really just going to leave me to the wolves?

YN- you made your bed now lay in it. The only help you're getting is that I won't mention I saw you have fun.

* Peter runs off and YN goes to the kitchen. She snags a pack of Pop-Tarts out of Thor's Pop-Tart box and put them in the toaster*

Thor- Little pop-tart why are you putting those in the toaster?

YN- Cause the best way to have Pop-Tarts are lightly toasted warmed with a little bit of butter on them. Here try it.

Thor- *takes a bite* These are delicious I want another and another please

YN- *laughs* ok ok big pop-tart I'll make you more

Thor-  Thanks you are the best

Steve- I don't understand what it is with you two and Pop-Tarts

YN- good morning you too and if you must know Pop-Tarts are the Holy Grail of food now here grab this both of you. *hands each a cup of coffee*

Steve- good morning and thank you YN

Bucky- thanks doll just how I like it appreciate it

Tony- * hey have any of you seen Peter?

Steve- Nope haven't seen him since last night.

Sam- I just assumed he was in his room still asleep.

Tony- no he's not in his room. Fury is on a war path that trying to find him so I kind of need to find him quick.

VISION- sir I must inform you that Mr Fury has found Peter hiding under a pile of laundry in the laundry room with MJ. I suggest you come quickly. Fury is very unhappy.

Tony- Shit VISION I'm coming. I swear teenagers and their hormones. I see I must save Peter from an untimely messy death. *sighs and rolls his eyes*

YN- *bursts out laughing* this has been the best morning ever in my life!

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