Part 33

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VISION: Mr Stark. Dr Banner needs you in his lab.

Tony: I apologize for Duty calls. I'll let you know the moment I find anything out.

Frigga: good. Now Vision what you fancy game or two of chess?

VISION: I would very much like that.

* Tony heads to banner's lab*
Tony: Vision said you needed to see me Banner

Banner: as you know I took blood and vitals on Ms Wayne when she arrived.

Tony: yes, did you find something pertaining to the insanity gas?

Banner: not exactly. While I was analyzing her DNA to help with you Insanity gas situation I found this *points at the screen*

Tony: her and Bruce have different fathers? Am I seeing that correctly?

Banner: yes that's what you're seeing and I do know for a certainty Ms Wayne doesn't know and most likely neither does Bruce.

Gordon: *walking by and over hearing the conversation* did I hear you correctly Bruce Wayne and Ms Wayne don't have the same father? I do apologize for intruding.
Tony: it's fine. Do you know something about this?

Gordon: I may. So what I'm about to tell you stays between us okay?

Banner: we understand gordon. It won't leave this room.

Gordon: I've always been good friends with the wings. 3 years before Ms Wayne was born, her mother and I became very close. We started having an affair. The affair lasted up until Martha found out she was pregnant and she ended things.

Tony: wow I wasn't expecting that.

Banner: who is this new information it's safe to say there's a high probability you could be that her biological father.

Gordon: yeah. If you could run my DNA against hers and see if it's a match. Please I need to know.

Tony: okay Banner will do it. But if it comes back she is your daughter. Then it's on you to tell her the truth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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