Part 10

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*Meanwhile at the compound*

Loki- it says in yn's file that Hydra gave her some powers but she's never used them why?

Tony- yes Hydra gave her the powers of telekinesis and mind reading. She doesn't use them because she's scared she will hurt someone.

Thor- so those are the only Powers she has she has no other powers?

Tony- no Thor not that I know of why?

Thor- because if she was really our sister she would have been born with powers. Since she doesn't obviously she's not our sister.

Loki- that's not true brother. I've talked to mother she told me that her powers won't manifest if she doesn't truly know who she is.

Thor- when did you speak to mother and why did you tell her about her!?

Loki- I went to Asgard earlier today to get Mother's advice. I showed her a picture of YN she even believes that she's her daughter.

Tony- if we find out she's indeed your sister can you help her unlock her powers and train her not to be afraid of them Loki?

Loki- yes of course Tony. I do want you to understand even if she is she will always be your daughter and you will always be her father.

Tony- Thank you for saying that. I can't lose her.

Thor- you won't Tony,  we promise.  I think we should have Bruce run her DNA and see if it matches.

Tony- I agree but let's wait to tell her until we find out the results.

Loki- yes of course. If it comes back a match you'll need to be there when we tell her she's going to need your support.

Tony- yeah ok. I'll talk to Bruce about this later.

*YN runs in giving Tony a huge hug*

YN- Hi dad I'm home.

Tony- I can see that sweetheart. What waa the hug for kiddo?

YN- IDK I just really missed you today

Thor- hello little Pop-Tart

Loki- hi YN. How was your day?

YN- Hey guys. It was good.

Tony- well I want to hear all about it so are you ready for some ice cream.

YN- absolutely been looking forward to it all day Dad.

Tony- good why don't you go set everything up in the kitchen and I'll be there in a second sweetheart

YN- sure thing dad. I'll see you guys around.

*The two enjoy some ice cream sundaes as YN tells Tony about her day. Afterwards she goes to her Library to study.*

Loki-Oh I'm sorry I didn't know you would be coming in here. I can leave if you want me to.

YN- no you're fine I'm just going to be studying. The library is big enough for both of us no need to go.

Loki- okay well I will make sure not bother you then.

*YN starts her homework. A short time later she  gets frustrated and starts flipping book pages aggressively*

YN- *under her breath* Fucking hell this makes no sense where's the answer to this damn question? Ugh if this is the homework for the first day of college I'm not going to make it. I'm so screwed!

Loki- Would you like some help?

YN- Could you actually help me?  Cause no offense you don't seem like you know a lot about Earth studies.

Loki- *chuckles* I know more than you think. My mother taught me many things about all nine realms. Now scoot over hand me your textbook and tell me what the question is.

YN- ok fine here.  Let's see how smart you really are mister.  *smiles*

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