Part 14

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*A couple of days later they just finished class and were standing in the parking lot together*

Harry- so since we all don't have class Friday do you all have any plans later?

Ned- well we were all just going to hang out at the compound maybe play some video games, watching movies.

Harry- that sounds fun do you mind if I join you guys?

Peter- I don't see why not. Is that cool with you YN?

YN- yeah that's fine. But give me about an hour or two I have a project I'm working on at home that I need to do some work on first.

Harry- sure no problem I'll see you guys a little later than.

*Sometime later YN is in Tony's lab working on a project while waiting for Harry to come by*

Pietro- hey you what are you doing all by yourself in the lab?

YN- hi speedy I'm just working on making myself my own suit.

Pietro- A suit intresting. May I take a took a look?

YN- Yeah go ahead. Tell me what you think.
Pietro- I like it very much. It's practical and kick-ass and I know you'll look sexy in it.

YN- I bet I would. Hey earth to speedy quit imagining me in my suit or naked will ya

Pietro- my apologies. I was wanting to know would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow night?

YN- I don't know, I mean you're cute but I don't know if I should. If you can agree that this is just a date nothing serious and it's not an automatic invitation for you to sleep with me then yes I will.

Pietro- I agree. So I'll pick you up 7:00 tomorrow night. *smiles*

Peter- what's up YN I was coming to let you know that Harry's here.

Harry- hello. I must say you're lab is impressive

Pietro- bye princess I'll see you later

YN- bye speedy see you tomorrow night. Hey Harry and thank you this is actually my dad's lab. My lab is on a different floor. When I need to work on bigger projects I use my dad's lab. So has Peter giving you the tour of the compound yet?

Harry- no but I just got here.

YN- say no more Peter let's go show him around.

* her and Peter start giving Harry a quick tour and introduce him to the others. When Bruce asks to talk to YN alone*

Bruce- I'll be quick I just wanted to let you know that it's going to take a few more days for the results since you requested additional testing.

YN- okay thank you Bruce for letting me know and for doing this for me just let me know when the results are in.

Bruce- I will and when you're ready I'll take off the power dampening bracelet so you can start your training. Now go catch up with your friends I'll see you around.

*They have fun hanging out together for a couple of hours when they hear a familiar voice*

YN- *jumps on him and gives him a bear hug* Clint OMG you're back I've missed you so much!

Clint- Oh my are you trying to kill me? I've missed you too darling.

YN- how is everyone doing back home?

Clint- they're all doing amazing and they  have been begging to see you. So the next time I go back you're coming with me.

YN- I can't wait!

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