Part 29

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YN: I've talked to Dad about this and we both think it's a good idea. I'll be legally hyphenating my last name so instead of Stark it will be Stark- odinsdottir. Also I want to learn both the asgardian and joutun language.

Frigga: really, that's great news. I can get you started with the Asgardian then Loki can continue as well as teaching you Joutun. Would that be okay loki?

Loki: of course mother. I'll make sure to help her the best I can I promise.

VISION: sorry to interrupt but Harry is here to see yn.

YN: okay thanks tell him I'll be right there.

VISION: as you wish and lunch will be ready in about an hour.

YN: sounds good vision. Mischief can you show Mom her room? It's the third one on the right on my floor. And I'll come check on you in a little bit to see how you settled in.

Loki: no problem I'll set these on your bed for you as well

*Tony's POV*
Tony: *his phone rings and he answers it.* Hello Mr Wayne

Bruce Wayne: hey Tony hope I didn't catch you at a bad time.

Tony: not at all. What can I do for you?

Bruce Wayne: I need a favor my sister is in danger. There are some unsavory people after her and I need to get her out of Gotham and somewhere safe. Can she stay with you at the compound?

Tony: yeah whatever you need Bruce. When should the team and I expect her arrival

Bruce Wayne: in 2 days. Also I must tell you my sister was infected with the insanity ass. She has been fighting it but I don't know how much longer she can resistant. It's becoming harder for her everyday.

Tony: oh my that's not good. Have you made any progress on reversing the gas?

Bruce Wayne: unfortunately no. Maybe Dr Banner can look her over and see what he can do.

Tony: of course Bruce absolutely. I'll inform Banner of the situation. Will do everything we can for her. You have my word.

Bruce Wayne: I really appreciate it tony. Since I can't leave Gotham and Company my sister. Jim Gordon will be taking my place. Again thank you they'll see you in 2 days. Please keep me updated.

Tony: you're welcome and I will. They will both be safe and we will figure things on our end while you continue to fight the good f

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