Part 22

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Wanda: *hands YN a apron* you know I could just read your mind.

YN: I wouldn't unless you want to find out things about your brother you didn't want to know.

Wanda: fine can you at least just tell me the G-rated stuff?

YN: I don't know can I?

Wanda: okay I see we're starting off the morning with sarcasm. You are definitely Tony Stark's daughter.

YN: he's taught me well. Pietro and I went to the carnival played games, went on the ferris wheel, and ate some funnel cake. It was a lot of fun. Then I came home and went to sleep.

Vision: so it wasn't you Ms. Stark making all those crazy sounds and screaming oh God in his room last night?

YN: *gives him a dirty look* How about you continue cutting up the fruit and never speak about what you heard last night ever again. Because it's none of your business got it!

Vision: I thought it was believed that when someone had sex they're supposed to be in a great mood is that not the case with you?


Wanda: you can't be mad at him he still trying to understand human mannerisms. I'm just glad he said what I was thinking.

YN: I seriously can't with you two you are the absolute worst!

Wanda: maybe but you still love and adore us.

YN: that's seriously debatable *smiles and shakes her head*

* they finish up breakfast and the others start coming into the kitchen*

Thor: good morning little Pop-Tart, everyone

YN: good morning big Pop Tart. I made you some Pop-Tart waffles.

Thor: *Gets excited*  really Pop-Tart waffles thank you.

YN: you're very welcome. Here's your plate. Morning James. Are you okay? You look rough.

Bucky: yeah bad night last night didn't get a lot of sleep.

YN: *in Russian* you know if you need to you can come stay with me in my room tonight.

Bucky: *in Russian* I would appreciate that very much doll thank you.

YN: good now are you hungry? I can make you a plate.

Bucky: breakfast does sound good. Can I get some of those Pop-Tart waffles to try?

Thor: no Pop-Tart waffles for you or anyone they're my waffles and only mine!

YN: Thor Odinson! You will quit acting like a child and share. If you don't no more Pop-Tarts for you of any kind.

Thor: Don't take the Pop-Tarts away! Fine I'll share but only because you asked.

YN: well thank you I appreciate that. Here's your plate James enjoy.

Bucky: Damn Loki I thought I look like shit this morning but you take the cake. What the hell happened to you?

Loki: *points to YN* that's what happened to me. Little menace woke me up by jumping on me and shaking me before hitting me with my pillow.

Bucky: doll did you really do that?

YN: no I have no idea what he's talking about. I'm innocent.

Loki: innocent my ass. You know you did it and you enjoyed torturing me. Don't lie.

YN: *bursts out laughing* all right yeah I can't lie I did it and yes I enjoyed it every second of it.

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