Part 26

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Thor: Understandable our father can be intimmadating and demanding at times but he is a good father.

Loki: He might be a good father to you but he was no father to me brother. Tony has been more of a father then odin.

Tony: Wait you see me as a father figure?

Loki: Yes. Why does that suprise you?
Tony: To be honest a little yes. That's only because I thought you hated me.

YN: *smiles* It's cute how you don't see it.

Tony: See what exactly sweetheart?

YN: Dad since the first day Loki got here you have been in his corner. You were always making sure he was ok, that he ate and had someone to confide in.

Loki: She's right. You mentored me,  helped me be ok with myself,  guided and encouraged me like a father would.

Tony: I guess that's true. All I saw was the misunderstood hurt teen-ager behind the mask of a 1000+ year God. Who just wanted someone to believe in him.

Loki: I thank you for that truly. Does this mean I can finally call you dad now?

Tony: Sure can son. Guess I have three kids now.

YN: Aww you guys are so adorable. So now that I have three brothers, when are you going to give me a baby sister dad?

Tony: I-I-I'm sorry a what!?

YN: I know I didn't stutter. But I'll repeat it again for you old man. When are you giving me a baby sister?

Tony: How exactly am I supposed to do that?

Peter: Well when two people really like eachother, they have sex and if you're lucky 9 months later a baby is born.

Tony: I know how babies are made thank you. And how long have you been eavesdropping?

Peter:  Long enough and I agree with YN we need a baby sister.

Loki: Having one sister is great but having 2 would be amazing

Tony: Oh come one really!? Thor you're on my side aren't you?

Thor: Sorry Tony can't help you

Tony: wow I see how it is. Can I please just go on a date with Natasha first before we start making baby plans?

YN: yeah I guess that's fine.

Tony: thank you for your permission my impatient daughter.

YN: yeah yeah whatever dad. Love you!

Peter: now that we're all officially siblings, we should do something together.

Loki: what did you have in mind Peter?

Peter: Well Comic-Con is in 2 months.

YN: That would be fun but the only stipulation I have is you can't cosplay as yourselves.

Thor: not fair little Pop-Tart. I am the greatest Avenger and god of thunder. Why would I not want to go as me?

YN: The greatest avenger huh yeah ok. Look big Pop-Tarts I love you but this is one of the only times where you can dress up as somebody else. So we're doing it and I'll hope you and miss you figure out who you want to be

Loki: speaking of mischief are we going to be causing some little Menace?

YN: you should already know, of course we are.

Tony: *rolls his eyes* and all set aside either bail money or hush money just in case.

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