Part 9

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YN- Okay Harry you have to tell us how you got Flash to back down.

Harry- His dad works for my father.  Also I've beat his ass a couple of times. I'm sorry about him.

YN- Dont be I'm used to  it. We dated in high-school

Harry- A beautiful girl like you dated that douche bag?  Really?

YN- Yes look it wasn't the brightest decision in my life all right. I was 16 and naive so give me break will you.

Harry- okay okay I'm sorry I ever mentioned it

* Harry takes a seat next to YN and class begins*

Bucky- hello I'm Professor Barnes. This is Psychology 101. This class is not going to be for the faint of heart. We will be discussing torture, brainwashing, ptsd, nightmares and a lot more unsettling topics. If you cannot handle it leave my class now.

Harry- wow he's umm a very intense professor

YN- Professor Barnes might be a little intense but he's been through a lot. He's a good person and a good teacher.

Flash- *shouts* no offense but should you even be teaching students. Like how do we know you're not going to just snap and kill us all?

Bucky- nice to see that you're still the scared pathetic insecure POS little boy you were in high-school. Rest assured everyone in here is safe. Except for you, you are not safe

Flash- there it is there's angry killer we all know you for. I bet you weren't even the brainwashed Winter Soldier. You just told everybody that to hide the fact that you really did enjoy killing all those people

* Bucky balls up his fists walking towards Flash. He looks like he's about to punch the hell out of the idiot. When YN whispers to him causing him to stop  dead in his tracks*

YN- *softly whispers* Barnes don't do it. Just breathe you're not who he says you are. he's trying to get you worked up don't let him he's not worth it

Bucky- Thank you for your help YN

* Bucky breathes, turns around and heads back towards the front of the class*

Bucky- Flash you are no longer welcome in my class so get your stuff and get out.

MJ-  That was super close. I really thought he was knock his ass out on the first day.

Peter- Great job on your quick thinking YN.

YN- Thanks. Now let's hope I don't have to do that again.

Harry- *confused* How do you know the professor?

YN- Him and professor Rogers work for my dad. But don't worry we aren't getting any special treatment.

* the rest of class goes on without a hitch*

Ned- I'm glad this was our final class for the day. I'm exhausted.

Peter- My brain hurts I cannot think anymore I'm totally fried.

MJ- too bad buttercup. So chug a energy drink,  eat something do whatever you have to we have homework to do.

Harry- I must be going but I will see you all tomorrow and I'll text you tonight. Bye

YN- ok see you later. Hey I'll meet you at the car.  I need to do something before we leave.

Peter- OK no problem

YN- James are you feeling ok?

Bucky- Honestly I don't know. What Flash said really got to me you know.

YN- I know and I'm sorry. What he did was uncalled for. I'm just glad you didn't do something you would have regratted.

Bucky- Only cause you calmed me down. The only other person who can do that is Steve. Though he can't do it as quickly as you can. Thanks again.

YN- Anytime James. I'm here for you. *hugs him and kisses his cheek* I'll see you back at the compound.

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