Part 15

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Clint- I know they can't wait either. So tell me when did you start being a social butterfly with everyone.

YN- about a week ago. I couldn't be a hermit forever uncle. *laughs*

Clint-*laughs* Very true. Now tell me how is college going for you and the chaos crew of yours?

YN- Pretty good for MJ and I, not so much for the boys. Peter you gotta tell Clint what you and Ned did on the first day.

Peter- Nope I refuse to share in the embrassment of what Ned and I went through

MJ- well lucky for you I'm willing to tell you Clint. These two lovable idiots got lost and we're late to all their first few classes

YN- Uncle it was hilarious them looking like out of breath chickens with their heads cut off. MJ and I were on the floor dying of laughter.

Ned- And now the girls walk us to our classes like we are 5 year olds.

Clint-  Oh that's priceless. But hey the girls always saving your asses is only temporary.

Nat- Clint stop giving them a hard time especially when I still save your ass everytime you get in trouble.

Wanda- nice one Nat. You tell him.  *laughs*

Nat- Clint don't pout you know I got to mess with you are my best friend after all

Clint- yeah yeah love you Nat. May I ask who's the new person of your group.

YN- That is Harry Osborn. We met at college ans have become friends.

Clint- I'm really glad you're making new friends. Are they going to be staying for dinner?

YN- IDK yet I haven't asked them but since you're back can you please please cook tonight?

Clint- Sure. Do you want my famous burgers or spaghetti?

YN- that's a hard choice but I have to go with the burgers. Thanks uncle Clint *hugs him*

Sam- When did you learn to cook man?

Clint- several months ago, when Laura made me start taking cooking classes.

Wanda- remind me to send a thank you card to her cuz now I won't be doing all the cooking.

YN- Are you guys staying for dinner?

Ned- yep I'm saying I'm also spending the night.

Harry- I would love to stay for dinner

MJ- unfortunately I can't because my dad is still very mad and if I'm not home here soon he'll come hunt me down again and it won't be as nice as last time.

Peter- hey can I walk you down to your car babe and I promise we'll save you a burger.

MJ- yes please and awe thanks. *Kisses him* Well guys I will see you all later have a good night bye

*They say goodbye to her. 30 minutes later dinner is finished and they all enjoy an amazing meal of burgers fries and milkshakes for dessert. Afterwards YN and Harry are cleaning up*

Harry- thank you for dinner it was really good.

YN- you're very welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for hanging out with us tonight I had a lot of fun.

Harry- me too. I wanted to ask you would you like to go out with me on a date this weekend?

YN- oh I'm sorry but I have plans all this weekend. I'm sorry maybe some other time.

Harry- Uhh yeah sure no worries. Definitely some other time. I should get going it's getting late. I'll talk to you later. *He leaves rather quickly*

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