Chapter forty-two

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Now back on the Red Fountain ship and making their way back Alfea. A somber mood filled its passengers as the only sound that could be heard was Nezera's trills of comfort as Lucian rubbed her belly. 

"So, what exactly do we tell Headmaster Saladin and Headmistress Faragonda?" Flora asked, a look of sadness mixed with confusion etched onto her features. 

Tecna looked straight at the nature fairy with a deadpan expression, her blue eyes hardened with disappointment. "It's simple, we tell her the truth."  

Musa's nostrils flared in frustration as her face flushed red. "And what exactly are we supposed to say, huh?! 'We looked on both Metis and Domino and found absolutely nothing'— oh, and let's not dare to mention the swapping of every single scroll and textbook that contain centuries old information about the magic dimension, including the very magic that the Trix stole!" 

Isadora's eye twitched at the unnecessary arguing, and finally decided to speak up. 

"Tecna's right, we need to tell them the truth so that a plan can be formed, and we figure out our next steps." Isadora said, backing up Tecna's statement. 

Silence was quickly embraced once again as no one made an effort to speak, even as Alfea's pink and blue towers slowly came into view. 

After the ship landed and the ramp was lowered, Bloom, Stella and Prince were the first people to rush out into the courtyard, where Headmistress Faragonda and Headmaster Saladin stood waiting. 

"Welcome back, all of you." She cheered; a smile quirking the corners of her mouth upwards as she noticed the others spilling from the ship, among them being Lucian and Isadora, the latter of which caressed his dragon's spine while the former held her dragon egg to her chest.  

"Kalani and Andreas, care to explain how you wound up with a dragon and a dragon egg?" She asked. 

Lucian scratched her chin with apprehension, unsure as to how he was to answer the question, which prompted his sister to answer for him. "When we landed on Metis, we encountered an Ivory Dragon and its young, one of which happened to bond with Lucian, and since she had no other children, she gave Brandon a dragon egg to give to me." 

"Also, we learned that the names that you know us by are pseudonyms." Said Lucian. 

Faragonda lifted an eyebrow and looked to her student, who managed to nod her head. "My name is Isadora Antoninette Castilo the only surviving daughter of Queen Iliyana and King Alastor." 

With a knowing look, Headmistress Faragonda looked from Isadora to Lucian, who was too busy entertaining his dragon to notice, which prompted Flora to deliver a soft hit to his forearm, gaining his attention. 

"My name is Lucian Arien Castilo, the only surviving son of Queen Iliyana and King Alastor." 

Faragonda smiled once again while Saladin seemed too confused to even try and wrap his head around it before he finally decided to let the matter be. 

"So, your mission was successful?" Headmaster Saladin asked.

Brandon and Lucian shared a look as the brown-haired boy slowly crept up beside him. 

"We found them, Sir." Prince Sky said, pointing his thumb at the group of girls that stood behind him. 

"Brandon and his— I mean, Prince Sky and the other specialists." Bloom began, but when Stella threw her elbow into Bloom's midsection, she instantly clamped up, which allowed Stella to finish for her. 

"Uh, yes! Their arrival on Domino was timely." 

But Musa, Tecna and Isadora's eyes were dragged to a familiar duck sitting by Headmistress Faragonda's legs. "Hey, it looks like Kiko found a friend." Said Tecna, and Isadora's couldn't help but coo at the sight of the two creatures playing leapfrog. 

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