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8/1/24 - monday 

"THESE JOGGERS make my bum look so good," she murmured, turning to admire her backside in the mirror. Her gaze shifted towards the wall, allowing her to assess her well-toned body from a different angle.

She was now clad in Chelsea's distinctive training attire, donning sleek black Nike joggers that gracefully hugged her mid-thigh. Over her upper half, she wore the long-sleeved white and black training jumper, complete with a tracking vest on top, all set for an intense fitness session. Black gloves and a black beanie to match the look, and to protect her from the cold England weather.

Meanwhile, Derek remained engrossed in his laptop, diligently working on some paperwork for her.


"And my quads look wham." She chuckled, playfully flexing her legs in the mirror and adopting an exaggerated bodybuilder's stance. Chandler couldn't help but notice Derek's exasperated glance, silently conveying his annoyance.

"Could you please concentrate?" He grumbled, his fingers tapping away on the laptop keyboard. His gaze briefly flickered up, catching Chandler still absorbed in her reflection.

"I am," she waved him off, turning her attention to him. Just as Derek was about to reprimand his client, the doors to the press room swung open, revealing Mauricio Pochettino, Chelsea's coach, and a few members of his staff trailing behind him.

"Chandler. Welcome," he smiled, holding up his hand.

"Nice to meet you," Chandler said with a warm smile, shaking his hand.

"The pleasure is mine," replied Mauricio Pochettino, reciprocating the handshake with a firm grip.

"I hope your flight to London was good." He inquired, making polite conversation.

"Yes, it was," she replied with a nod, her eyes reflecting genuine satisfaction.

"Excellent," Mauricio continued, his tone cordial. He gestured toward the group of men clad in the Chelsea training kit who stood nearby, his pride in his training staff evident. "These gentlemen are part of my training staff; they'll be responsible for your physical assessment."

Chandler turned her gaze toward the group, acknowledging them with a nod and a polite smile, her anticipation growing. "Great," she replied, her enthusiasm evident in her voice as she mentally prepared for the upcoming challenge.

"I have to run for a meeting, but we'll talk later." He spoke with a smile on his face. Chandler smiled back quickly, giving him a small wave.

"Welcome." He spoke last, offering her one last nod before exiting the room, leaving her only with Derek and the physio staff.

"Ready?" One of them spoke up, looking between Derek and the new Chelsea signing. The girl quickly looked at her manager, gesturing him towards the corner of the room.

Once they were out of earshot, a flash of anxiety crossed Chandler's face.

"I feel like I'm on the verge of a panic attack," she whispered, her eyes brimming with panic and her voice quivering.

"What? You were just fine a second ago?" He asked, looking as the girl shook her head.

"Yeah but, now I'm scared."

"No, you aren't," Derek replied calmly, his gaze unwavering as he tried to reassure her.

She shook her head quickly, and her stomach began to turn.

"No- no. I feel like I'm going to throw up," she whispered, shaking her head. Derek rolled his eyes, well acquainted with her tendency to be a bit dramatic in stressful situations.

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