
198 3 0

tuesday - 23/1/2024
london, uk

"I APPRECIATE you giving me a ride," Conor sighed, sliding into Ben's car. Ben nodded and pulled out of the driveway, getting back on the main road.

"I'm surprised you decided to come out," Ben pointed out.

"Yeah, well. I thought I'd switch it up," Conor shrugged, missing the knowing smirk on Ben's face.

"Oh, so it doesn't have to do with Chandler?" Ben asked, glancing at the midfielder. Conor scoffed, trying to play it off.

"Am I not allowed to celebrate with the team?" He asked, briefly changing the subject.

"No, no, you are." Ben nodded, turning on his indicator as he came to a stop. He looked to the side just before turning.

"Just don't get too drunk," the defender joked.

"No promises." He quickly responded. The two engaged in a simple conversation, briefly talking about events from the game as they drove down the road. About a couple of minutes in, the midfielder noticed Ben pull into a different neighborhood.

"Where are we going?" Con asked, watching as Ben drove by many houses, just before pulling into the driveway of the last house on the block. Ben shifted into the park and sighed, unbuckling his seatbelt.

"We got to pick up Chan," Ben announced.

The blonde's eyes widened quickly, just as a layer of shock appeared on his face.


Conor quickly pulled down the sunvisor mirror, quickly styling his hair.

"Fuck sake, Chilly. Why didn't you say anything?" Conor groaned, dramatically running his fingers through his hair, making sure the strands sat perfectly on his head.

Ben could only roll his eyes, tapping Conor on the chest before hopping out of the car.

"Stop stressing; you look fine." He smiled, urging Conor to follow. Conor sighed and got out of the car, examining the house to its fullest.

"This house is massive," Ben gawked, walking up to the front door of Chandler's rental home.

"Fucking hell, how much is she getting paid?" Ben asked, looking at his teammate. Ben quickly reached out and rang the doorbell.

"She doesn't live far from me at all," Conor pointed out, the drive only being ten minutes.

Ben nodded and placed his hands in his pockets. Soon enough, the large door swung open, with Chandler standing on the other side, fully dressed and ready to leave. She wore a white skirt with a blue-flowered top.

"Hey guys," she smiled, opening her door a bit wider. She motioned into the house, and Ben and Conor followed, letting them step inside.

"Uh, you look nice, Y/N," Conor complimented, standing near the door.

"Thank you, Conor." She smiled, taking in his appearance, just before her eyes shifted to Ben.

"You guys look smart." She smiled, closing the door.

"Give me five minutes, and I'll be ready." She smiled, gesturing towards the couch. "Make yourself at home; there are drinks in the fridge."

She walked to the stairs and hurried to her room, closing the door behind her. Conor shrugged off his coat and placed it on the couch, looking around the house.

Once she was out of sight, Ben couldn't help but snicker, looking at his teammate. "You look nice."

"Oh, fuck off, mate." Conor rolled his eyes, walking across the living room. He slowly waltzed around the room, taking his time to look at the girl's photo frames hanging up.

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