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monday - 15/01/23
cobham training facility

THE NERVOUS KNOT in her stomach only began to grow as the girl pulled into an empty parking space, which finally arriving at the training center. The weight of the situation settled heavily on her shoulders, and she couldn't shake the feeling of being out of place.

It's been a full 2 days since she was officially announced as Chelsea's new signing, and the initial feedback she had received wasn't positive at all. The criticisms and doubts of fans and pundits were like a constant hum in the background, threatening to drown out her determination.

But Chandler had made a decision. She would rise above the negativity and focus on what mattered most—developing her skills and contributing to Chelsea's success on the field. Even if it seemed like no one was going to support her.

She heard her phone ping in the cup holder and she grabbed the device, looking at the message that popped up on her screen.

Happy first day pebbles! ⚽️
You're going to kill it and don't stress 🤍

I'll send you £100 if you meg Raz 😉

She smiled and liked the message, feeling grateful for her brother. Chandler took a deep breath and gave herself a pep talk in the car before swinging open the door, ready to face the day head-on.

However, her newfound determination was momentarily derailed when, in her rush to get out of the car, her door swung open and collided with the car parked next to hers, creating an unmistakable dent in the side.

"Oh, no," she muttered, her heart racing as she stared at the small dent in the yellow car door.

As if on cue, the driver's side door of the yellow car opened, revealing none other than Ben Chilwell. She winced as Ben got out of the car, walking to the passenger side to inspect the damage.

"Ben- shit," she let out a nervous breath, "I am really sorry, I can pay for it. I promise," Chandler rushed to say, her voice filled with genuine remorse, even as she noticed Ben examining the dent on the passenger door.

Ben chuckled and turned his attention back to the distressed footballer. "It's fine. Don't worry about it."

"No, I feel terrible about it," she insisted, not wanting to brush it off.

"Hey, it's alright. No big deal," Ben reassured her, flashing a warm smile.

"You alright?" He asked, noticing a bit of a distressed look on her face.

"Yeah," she replied, her nerves starting to ease a bit. "I just feel really bad about the car."

"It's fine. Seriously," he reassured her. "Ready to go in?"

He gestured toward the entrance. He understood how nervous she must have felt, especially considering the circumstances of her first day.

"Yes, let me just grab my bag," Chandler replied, giving Ben a grateful smile. She opened her car door again, this time making sure not to hit Ben's car, and retrieved her pink backpack.

As they entered the facility, she noticed the familiar faces of her new teammates, some of whom had greeted her warmly at the stadium, while others had given her cold stares. She let Ben walk a bit in front of her, the hallways still unfamiliar.

"Don't let the nerves get to you," he leaned in, giving her a reassuring smile. "Once you're out on the pitch, it's just like any other training session."

She nodded, grateful for his words of encouragement. "Thanks, Ben. I really appreciate it."

He numbed her shoulder with his in a friendly manner. "No problem. Welcome to the team."

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