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liked by conorgallagher92 and others
cpstonesy me and my love, happy valentine's day <3
tagged: ferdinandstones

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user can you be my valentine??

user happy valentine's day! ❤️

user so which one is john's?
| user??
| user every year, she posts a picture of flowers her brother buys her.
| user I wish my brother did that 😣😣

johnstonesoffical 🌹🌹
| cpstonesy 🤍🤍
| user wait- then WHO BOUGHT THE LILIES?

user glad to see she's still single, I still have a chance

levicolwill you and you're rat have attachment issues
| cpstonesy ☹️


benchilwell can i meet ferdinand? 🥺
| cpstonesy always

user love of my life. 🥹


14/2/2024 - wednesday
london, uk

CHANDLER PULLED INTO Conor's driveway and shut off the engine, taking a moment to steady her nerves before stepping out of the car. As she walked up the driveway, her footsteps echoed in the quiet evening air, her mind racing with uncertainty.

She hadn't planned on showing up at Conor's home unannounced, but the urge to talk to him in person had been too strong to ignore. Now, standing at his front door, she couldn't help but feel a wave of awkwardness wash over her.

With a shaky breath, Chandler raised her hand and knocked on the door, the sound echoing in the stillness of the evening. She took a step back, her heart pounding in her chest as she waited for a response.

The door creaked open slowly, revealing Conor standing on the other side. Chandler's nerves eased slightly as she met his warm gaze, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Hey," she greeted softly, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

Conor's eyes lit up with surprise and pleasure at the sight of her. "Chilly gave me your address," she explained quickly. "Sorry, I showed up randomly; I hope that's okay."

Conor shook his head, his smile widening. "There is no need to apologize. It's a pleasant surprise," he reassured her, stepping aside to let her in.

"Thanks," Chandler said gratefully, stepping over the threshold into Conor's home. She took a moment to glance around the front room, admiring the cozy ambiance and tasteful decor.

Conor gestured towards the living area. "Make yourself at home. Can I get you anything? Tea, coffee?"

Chandler shook her head politely. "No, I'm good, thanks."

Conor nodded, understanding, and gestured towards the couch. Chandler sat down, and Conor took a seat across from her, his hands resting on his lap.

Feeling a rush of nerves, Chandler pushed her hair back on her shoulders and looked up at Conor with a smile. "I, uh, just wanted to thank you for the flowers. They were really sweet, Con," she admitted, a slight blush coloring her cheeks.

Conor's smile widened, his cheeks flushing slightly in response. "You're welcome. I'm glad you liked them," he replied warmly.

The two of them lapsed into an awkward silence, the tension palpable between them.

"I should probably go," Chandler said suddenly, standing up from the couch.

But before she could leave, Conor interjected, "I ordered some takeout; it should be here soon. Do you want to chill for a bit?"

Chandler hesitated for a moment, then smiled softly, nodding in agreement. "Sure."


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