
201 4 0

3/3/2024 - wednesday
london, uk

CHANDLER opened the door and grinned excitedly, seeing Conor standing on the other side of the door. She quickly took in his outfit, seeing that he was dressed casually, his hair in his usual bun.

He held out a bouquet of lilies, handing them to the girl.

"Thank you, she smiled, receiving the flowers from him gently.

"I'll be right back," she said, leaving to go find a vase. She walked into the kitchen and pulled out a vase. Filling it with water, she unraveled the bouquet from the packaging, placing the flowers in the vase.

Returning to the living room, she placed the vase on the coffee table, ensuring the flowers had a prominent position where they could be admired.

"You ready?" Conor's voice interrupted her thoughts, drawing her attention back to him. She nodded eagerly, her own outfit mirroring his casual yet stylish look. With a nod from the Chelsea player, Chandler grabbed her coat, excitement bubbling within her as she followed her teammate out the door.

They made their way to Conor's car, the anticipation in the air almost tangible as they settled into their seats. As Conor navigated the streets of London, Chandler couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through her veins.

With each passing landmark, Chandler's anticipation grew, and her curiosity piqued as she wondered where Conor could be taking her. The hum of the engine provided a soothing backdrop to their conversation, punctuated by the occasional burst of laughter or shared glances as they journeyed deeper into the heart of the city.

Soon enough, they pulled into a parking garage. Conor shut off the engine, casting a sideways glance at Chandler.

"We'll have to walk for a bit," he confessed, his eyes alight with anticipation. Chandler nodded in agreement, her heart racing with excitement as she unbuckled her seatbelt and stepped out of the car.

As they walked towards the exit, Chandler gently took Conor's hand in hers, feeling a flutter of nerves as she did so. "Is this alright?" she asked softly, her heart racing with anticipation.

"Yeah," Conor replied, his smile putting her at ease as he gave her hand a gentle squeeze. She returned his smile, feeling a warmth spread through her at the simple touch. They continued to walk, Chandler's left hand interlocked with Conor's right, her other hand tucked into her pocket to shield herself from the cold night air.

As they strolled along, Chandler's eyes widened in excitement as they approached their destination. "Oh my god, is this a bowling alley?" She exclaimed, unable to contain her enthusiasm as she readied to enter. She shot Conor an excited glance, and he nodded in agreement. His face lit up with a bright smile.

Conor couldn't help but marvel at Chandler's infectious excitement, making a mental note to thank Levi later.

Entering the bowling alley, the pair walked over to the front desk. Chandler's eyes danced around the vibrant space while Conor engaged in conversation with the employee behind the desk.

"What's your shoe size?" Conor inquired, turning to Chandler.

"Six," she replied, her gaze still roaming the colorful surroundings.

Nodding, Conor relayed the information to the staff member, who promptly placed two pairs of shoes on the desk. Chandler eagerly grabbed the smaller pair while Conor took hold of the larger ones. With their footwear secured, they made their way to an available lane, settling into seats opposite each other.

"Have you bowled before?" Chandler asked, slipping off her trainers with practiced ease.

Conor shrugged, focusing momentarily on his feet as he removed his shoes. "Not really, but I think I've got some hidden talent," he confessed with a playful grin. "What about you?"

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