
222 4 0

10/2/2024 - saturday
cobham training center

THE GIRL stepped onto the set, a smile on her face as she instantly spotted Chilly, Noni, and Carney engrossed in conversation. Behind them, two racks displayed an array of clothing items, accessories, and shoes, scattered beside the metal rack.

"Let's get you mic'd," the crew worker said, walking towards the girl with a portable pack. She nodded, swiftly handing off her personal belongings to a video assistant.

"Took you long enough to join us," Noni joked, prompting an eye roll from the girl. After having a microphone expertly placed under her clothes, she sat on the white couch next to Ben, who graciously made space for her.

Soon, the team started explaining the video concept, gesturing towards the clothing behind them. As the cameras started rolling, Chandler instantly smiled, looking toward Noni as he introduced the video.

"Yes, guys, so today... with Carn, Chan, and Chilly, we're going to be rating who has the best drip," he started out, folding his arms over his chest.

"We have an independent store, H-town, who supplied us with the clothes today," Ben said next, his fingers resting on his chin.

"The first theme is going to be date night, so stay tuned," Noni finished, everyone staying still as the camera head gave a thumbs up, indicating they stopped rolling.

The content creator walked up to the football players, clipboard in hand, as he flipped through the pages.

"Okay, so we'll have Ben get dressed first; you three will be picking outfits for him," he explained. "Chilly, do you mind waiting in the dressing room?"

The defender nodded and stood up from his position, following the assistant into the dressing room. Once he was out of the room, the rest of the Chelsea players waited for the camera to start rolling again as they began to look for Ben's outfit.

The girl flipped through the racks of trousers, looking for something that would suit her teammate. She stopped on a pair of mint green trousers, liking the look of them. She pulled it off the rack and set it to the side, claiming the article of clothing for herself.

"Mint green?" Noni commented, throwing the girl a weird look.

"Trust the process," she laughed, flicking through tops. She pulled out a beige button-up shirt, a bit flowy and loose.

"This is heavy, though." Carney commented, holding up the thick leather jacket he picked for Ben.

The group laughed and continued to look through clothing, with players making comments to themselves. Finally, after a couple of minutes, they were finished, waiting for Ben to change into his outfit.

"How long does it take this guy to get dressed?" Noni joked, shaking his head. Chandler was now sharing a seat with Carney, the two having a clear view of the dressing room entrance.

Soon enough, Ben walked out, a smile on his face, as the group took in Carney's house. Noni couldn't help but let out a loud laugh.

"Those boots are so dead," Chandler giggled, shaking her head at Carney's choice of footwear.

"You know what? It doesn't look that bad," Ben argued, taking a look at himself. "It's the V-neck, though."

The group continued to laugh, rating the outfit.

"You reckon it's your style?" Noni asked.

"With a white tee, you could pull it off," Carney commented, the group nodding in agreement.

"So what date are you sending me on?" Ben asked, looking at Carney.

"Paris-type vibe. Nice vibe." Carney said lowly, and Chandler silently agreed. The group continued to joke; Carney and Noni exchanged handshakes, with Ben giving the outfit an overall seven out of ten.

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